Just about to retire for the night until I read Terry White’s latest post over at Terry White’s Tech Blog. Adobe has released Lightroom 2.0 as a Public Beta and is now available to download. Check out Terry’s Lr 2.0 Beta post for a great explanation on how Lightroom 1.3 and the 2.0 Beta will coexist. Download it here at Adobe Labs Here are some of the new features in this Beta version:
In addition to being a 64bit app here are some of the new features to look forward to:
-Streamlined Library Layout
-Smart Collections
-Powerful Filter Bar to search and refine images
-Suggested Keywords for simplified keywording
-10k pixel size limit raised to 30k pixels
Multiple Monitors:
-Four flexible modes for an alternate window: Grid, Loupe, Compare, Survey
(Check out the Live Loupe mode!)
Photoshop CS3 Integration:
-Open files in Photoshop as a Smart Object
-Select multiple images to merge as a Panorama
-Merge multiple exposures into a single Photoshop HDR image
-Load multiple files or virtual copies into Photoshop as separate layers in a single document.
Export Functionality:
-Auto-add exported images to the Lightroom catalog
-Auto Output Sharpening for images on export
Develop Module
–History Pallete & Snapshots
-Non-Destructive Localized Correction for dodging and burning specific areas of an image
-Post Crop Vignette
-Basic Panel Keyboard Shortcuts
-Improved Auto Adjustment:
Print Module
-Picture Package for multi-page layouts
-Print Module output directly to JPEG
-16 bit printing under Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
-Enhanced Print Sharpening based on PhotoKit Sharpener algorithms
I hope to post more feedback on these new features as I get a chance to try them out. Even though it’s just a public Beta, it’s still quite exciting for us Lightroom users/fans.
Super. We’ll be talking about this on the up coming roundtable.
A few features that stood out to me were history & snapshots similar to PS.
The ability to have catalog specific presets.
Better noise reduction
Better vignette control.
Sweeeet. I just a copy myself and love it. Can’t wait to upgrade for real…