Here’s a tip for all you photographers and nature lovers.
Have you ever been to a remote gravel parking lot in the National Forest and found a sign demanding you pay $5 to park and hike. That’s ILLEGAL and you DO NOT have to pay.
I support the rule of law. That means law on goverment too. I don’t ALLOW goverment to charge me to use OUR wilderness. It’s against the LAW and here’s what you need to know.
I’m no socialist; we pay for these lands with taxes and they belong to us! As we travel this Fall I’m seeing many undeveloped areas where the Forest Service is trying to charge fees, despite the fact that it”s against Federal Law and the courts have told them to STOP. I WILL NOT comply.
Yes there are “some” developed areas of significant investment where it’s reasonable to charge fees, things like well developed campgrounds (though you don’t have to pay to undeveloped ones). We the people should NOT pay to park or use our lands. It’s not about a $5 fee, it’s about liberty and America. It’s no secret that I’m a liberty activist and frankly I’m tired of people being ripped off. We need the rule of law for goverment.
I usually know the law better than goverment, because I take the time to look. I uploaded a copy of the Nation Recreation Act that governs “Federal” public lands like National Forest, BLM etc (State and local lands can vary). The NREA is short, but being armed with this into will put you in a place of knowledge over your goverment servants, just as it should be.
The little things matter and liberty matters. It’s time we made our goverment respect OUR public lands. Enjoy the wild and if they give you any trouble, but a camera on it and spread it around. Know the facts stand on principle and enjoy.
- I don’t pay government to use the wilderness. It’s not freeloading, it’s the LAW. My taxes already PAID for that.
- I do pay some fees like National Parks because they have large investment and they fall under exemptions of the NREA.
- State and County lands are under different rules, despite legislation I don’t pay to use that wilderness either (such as the WA Discover Pass).
- Refusing to pay for most Federal wilderness use is 100% LAWFUL. Read the law below. Refusing to pay for State and local lands is sometimes civil disobedience, you have to decide what is principled and what battles you want to take on.
- Bottom line. It’s our right to use OUR lands. They do not belong to the king. Just use them responsibly and stand principled.
— Gav
Here’s the documents to have in your bag.
- Download a Copy of the NREA (PDF).
- Read the court ruling against the Forest Service after they were sued. It makes it VERY clear.