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Link Exchange Rules.
The PPS link exchange is for photographers, videographers, and graphic artists.
It is a totally free resource designed to help us all help each other, and by doing so we all benefit.
To be on the link exchange you must have a website that has a links page that is linked from your homepage. This allows search engines to see our network of photographers when it browses your site. The links do not have to be in a conspicuous position, as your site visitors are not specifically intended to see them. They simply have to be linked directly from your home (or index) page.
How to get the links on your site. It’s pretty simple, but has to be done as noted here to work. You do not manually add every link to your site, or keep updating links as the group grows. You will simply need a .php page on your site that will be the links page. many just call this page links.php
You will add the code below to your links.php page. Once this is published to the web this page will automatically maintain a current links structure due to the nature of the include code (it will have to be published before you will see that it’s working).
The page MUST be a .php page, not a .html page. You can simply have your web designer do this, or if you do your own design it’s as simple as changing the extension from .html to .php, and publishing it.
Remember that the links page must be linked from your homepage. It can be small, and inconspicuous, as link as it is there. Once you will out the form your site will be checked, and as long as your linked you’ll be added. Random checks will also be made to ensure everyone stays up to date.
Join The PPS Link Exchange Now!