October 9, 2010

Tufa Sunrise. Mono Lake CA, Fall 2010, by Gavin Seim.

Gavin’s Journal Entry, 10/2010.

We camped overlooking Mono lake last night. I think it’s rather a bad name for a lake, but it’s no less beautiful for that. I got there early, before the light. But the stone sang when the rays of first dawn hit the limestone Tufa Towers that grace the these muddy banks.

I won’t try to explain how they’re formed (there is some info on the Mono Lake website) but I can say is that creation is indeed breathtaking. Now that I have time to stop and look at this sunrise, it seems even more so. This may be the only great image I took home from Mono Lake, but it’s just what I wanted and I’m really excited about it.

Release details: Prints available. Contact the gallery. Learn more about prices. Available prints…

[EXPAND SEE the details up close. Click to expand…]

These are not separately available images. They are detail cuts from the above work, to show the detail and most notible elements that will stand out in the finished print.

Tufa Sunrise - Detail1
The central display of Tufa Towers, revealed in a fleeting moment of morning light just as the sun crosses the horizon.


Tufa Sunrise - Detail2
Sharp from edge to edge. The rocks point to the snow capped mountains, revealing the coming Winter.
Tufa Sunrise - Detail3
The superb detail in the flowing grasses reflects the golden light and is spectacular, especially in larger sizes.
Tufa Sunrise - Detail4
The morning light shows a supporting cast of towers in various stages of illumination.



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