UPDATE: This was rumor, but It’s now official. You can see the Nikon press release here. I’ve updated details in the post to reflect released stats.
The D3X (ultra high resolution version of the Nikon D3) has been in the chatter for awhile. Here’s some rumor details over on Nikon watch. These come from the pages of a Nikon Pro magazine. Looks like the D3X is mainly a D3, but with a few changes. Still no video capability, though that should not bother most photographers… Should it?
Details: (Updated)
Full frame 24.5 megapixel FX sensor
5fps full res, or 7fps at 10 megapixels
Expanded ISO 50-6400 (No super high ISO shooting like the D3)
A new Active-D lighting mode
Cost will be about $8000 USD
Available in December 2008
Most of you readers know I’m a Canon shooter, but I have nothing against Nikon at all. My observation is that this does not offer much advantage over the current Nikon D3 other than megapixels, and will cost more. It also has less ISO range. Are any of you readers planning on picking one up? Do most of us need more pixels? Your thoughts?
Just when it looked like things might finally slow down in the rumor mill, this ad pops up. Supposedly from Nikon Japan, Nikon Rumors has reported this, and has a few related posts over on their site. Apparently it says ‘BIG” in Japanese.
If this is a Nikon ad I definatly see them trying to cash in the the mysterious side that Canon was using to get so much press. Cmon Nikon, be original. You got good stuff, don’t copy Canon. Anyways what do you all think this could be? Speak Up.
Update 08.26.08: Rumors are turning up true right and left. USA today let out the dirt on the D90. Most the specs look pretty normal, except this baby also shoots HD video clips. Not a bad add on. Looks like another win for Nikon. Here’s their official press release.
I think most of us are getting a bit tired of rumors, but I always try to keep reader from both Canon & Nikon camps up to date on the bigger ones.
Engadget is reporting on this shot the the Nikon D90 that seems to have been leaked on Targets website. It supposed to sport a 12mp sensor, 3″ lcd, 11 AF points, and ISO 3200. Nothing too earth shaking, but this should be a nice incremental upgrade. Besides, Nikon’s been sending out some pretty crazy stuff lately. They don’t all have to be ground breaking. Do they?
Notable Time Index’s
Microsoft 2:53-21:30
Lightroom 2.0 22:02
Legal Stuff & Contracts 44:15
Lucas Art & DRM 57:00
After Show 2:12:24
Podcast Listeners can Save
15% from OnOne software with promo code PRPHTPC 20% on Seim Effects this week with promo code PODCAST
Microsoft Pro Photo tools for geotagging photo’s. It’s free, but no mac version. Mac user can buy expression media pro and get similar features. The iFi wireless card can also use WiFi for tagging. Microsoft also has PhotoSynth
NILMDTS topic got a lot of response last show. People really supported them.
Photographic is one alternative to WPJA. (their site is now as of this writing)
Lucas Art Pro is out. It’ll cost you nearly 600- bucks though, Yikes!
Online event image hosting and sales… Pictage vs Exposure Manager vs Collages vs Photocart Photocart is something you buy, and then pay no fees. The others charge a continual fee. PhotoReflect was also recommended on the forums.