Our friends over at Macworld have posted a cool article on saving large photoshop files faster.
By Rob Griffiths
If you work with large Photoshop files, you’re probably well aware of how slowly they save. Much of that time is spent flattening your image in order to create the preview icon you see in the Finder. While useful to have, you probably don’t need to see a preview icon for every interim version of your image.
Until Next Time… Jarrod Michael
You guys need to look at the website in IE. It’s crap! I was about to write you off as a fly by night, ‘clip art’ type, amateurish organization. As a web professional (part time photographer), there is no excuse for the blatant lack of respect for any browser – especially IE. I realize that Firefox or opera may be your main target, but your pages should at the very least be legible in IE.
Well I don’t know. The site is built on wordpress, which is a pretty fair standard if you ask me. We have had no complaints but yours. Since your a web “professional” why not suggest what might be going on, instead of just saying it’s crap. Or is constructive criticism outside the vocal of a real pro. 😎
In any case we’ll do some checking, and try to figure out why your browser can’t handle the site.