Pro Photography Roundtable Podcast #10 ~ Pet's, Pew's & Nature

<<Click To Listen – Photography Roundtable Podcast #10 – PPS #51

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Todays Panel:
Gavin Seim ~ Seim Studios

Dennis Zerwas ~ DZ Photography

Paul Walker ~ Paws Pet Photography
Erik Guggenheim ~

Scott & Adina Hayne ~ Hayne Photography

Notable Time Indexes:
3:55 News & General Talk
52:33 Scott & Adina on selling Weddings & Portraits
1:04:06 Paul on Pet Photography
1:14:25 Erik on the Nature business

Listeners can Save with these codes:
15% from OnOne software with promo code PRPHTPC
15% on Seim Effects with promo code FALL

Roundtable 10 Forum Discussion:

Kodak Launches Ektar 100. Yep real film

5D MK2 is here

Pet Photography NOW: by Paul Walker

On This Earth: Photographs from East Africa: Nick Brandt

Orphan Works act may be dead

Freebies on the Seim Effects Facebook fan page.

Some articles of note…
90 seconds to better photography
Managing LR catalogs and images for Pro’s


Picks of the week:
Shoot Cue Studio Software

Scott: Brinkmann Maxfire Dual Xenon Spotlight

Paul: Our Peaceable Kingdom: The Photographs of John Drysdale

Eric: Molar Bean Bags

Dennis: Moon Phase for iPhoneLed Headbeam Lamp

Gavin: Good Printable Disks: Taiyo Yuden Water Shield Printable CD & DVD –  Overnight Prints for postcards and bussiness cards.

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Tell me your thoughts....

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  1. I am new on this, but something that I have learned quickly is to review the main website and get information from the key players on this. This is one of the better!. I have learning a lot in the last 4 weeks listening all your postcastings, I have several pending to review, but I can talk you that you have create more inspiration that any other postcasting that I have listened. Also, you have encouraged me to build my own photography business part time, thank you for that.

    Keep up your great work!
    PD: by the way, I am from Venezuela.

  2. Great show! Just an update on the Orphan Works Act: The bill went to the House Judiciary Committee where it died. The Library lobby will likely try to bring it back to life during the next session. But for now… it’s over!

  3. The view on Aperture expressed on this show is completely out of touch. Its unfortunate for Windows users that Aperture isn’t offered on both platforms but in the creative professional market it’s not even close to a 50-50 split so its really not that big of a deal. Your view on not taking a non cross platform piece of software seriously leads me to believe that you wouldn’t take Final Cut Pro seriously as video editing software when in all reality it dominates the market.

    There are very few features found in Lightroom 2 that are not found in Aperture 2 and vise versa. The show would be better if you held back your opinion more often or possibly made it clear that its your opinion… definitely not fact if you haven’t taken both sides of the argument seriously enough to try both sides out and make a educated decision.

    I began typing this while listening to the show and heard its participants mentioned a few areas that I love about Aperture…In Aperture you can batch add a water marks with your own logo without photoshop actions and just as easily export images to fit the 800 pixel maximum that you use. All my photos go to both Flickr and Facebook with a 640 pixel maximum strait from Aperture. I understand that neither Lightroom or Aperture are the be all end all application for editing photos but it drives me crazy to hear people bashing one or the other.

    I also understand that I listen to the show voluntarily and will continue to do so but as a listener of other photography podcast that are doing very well, it seems that this one might do better without so many repetitious opinions. Other than that, I really enjoy the show.

  4. Thanks for the comment Adam, and thanks for listening. You’re incorrect however. While I do give my opinions on the show all the time, and don’t hide them most the things about LR are fairly solid.

    I did not make up the 50/50 number. In the pro market it’s allmost exactly that. 50% windows, and 50% mac. What I said comes straight from the polls, so feel free to look in the poll archives.

    Also final cut is not relivent. FC is not photo. Vid is a totally diff market, and macs have more share over there. We’ve done polls o users, and Aperture is not even close to LR when it comes to users. On the last poll we did (also in the poll archive) LR had 76%, and aperture had 7%

    I won’t dispute your opinions on Aperture features. I know it’s a tool that people love, and I happen tp like what LR offers, bit have no problem if you like Aperture. That does not mean I’ll refrain my thoughts I why I like LR better. In the end however Aperture can never have the market share on only Mac. This is not video it’s photo, and I don’t see the pro photo market becoming all mac anytime real soo (though it is growing) At 50/50 you have to do both if you really want to be a standard. That’s why I made that statement.


  5. Adam the LR polls was not ridiculous at all. At the time it was taken that was the numbers. I suspect that Aperture has gained some market share.

    I’ve spoken my reasons for feeling LR is a better wokflow tool so I won’t go into them here. I understand both are good programs. As for polls on TWIP I’m not surprised their polls different. People that follow TWIP are more likely to me MAC users due to the other shows the hosts do and bring over listeners. Nothing wrong with that, it’s just a little skew. Note that a significant group of them use iPhoto to manage their images. That’s not a the pro market.

    I understand that polls vary by the sit their on etc, though I think PPS is a fair gauge of the Pro photographer market. TWIP is a great show, though geared more mainstream than PPS and thus will garner varied results.

    For the sake of this discussion I’ll add a V2 poll of LR vs Aperture to see where PPS listeners are at now. I don’t give a rip what was used primarily at the Olympics. I’m an Apple fan, and I know that Apple are masters of PR. I have no doubt Aperture had a good base of users, but it’s not even close to LR.


  6. Gavin im not arguing about this anymore. Put up a new poll if you want but its crazy to think that you have anymore professional listeners than TWiP does. You have a great podcast and I wouldn’t want to think about producing one of its caliber but it doesn’t come close to TWiP in quality, number of listeners, professionalism or rank. As a professional you should be able to agree that Aperture is just as good as Lightroom and admit that Lightroom works for you but your liking of it is strictly opinion. The fact that they are equal in quality and features has been my main argument but you have yet to reply about this and thats all I wanted. The reason I commented in the first place was because I was blown away by how weighted you made it sound on the show. It sounded like LR was photoshop and Aperture was iPhoto and thats not true or even close to true. TWiP express their opinion but says that its opinion. Scott is a Aperture T3 certified instructor and Fred heads Lightrooms marketing and they both agreed on air that features are equal and it comes down to personal preference. Thats a very fair statement. Implying that the one you choose to use is superior to the other isn’t.

  7. Just to note, I didn’t want to ever compare PPS to TWiP. They are indeed two totally different shows. TWiP’s host’s are very experienced in both audio and video production and photography and they put together a good show. You put together a show that is completely different but its not bad to hear diversity and I enjoy the show equally as much. As I said, I was commenting to try and understand why you thought there is such a huge difference between the two programs since most feel that the differences are minimal.

  8. WOW what a masterful putdown of me and those of us who do PPS. Subtle, yet very cutting. I won’t bother to debate it. Scott and Alex are great broadcasters who have more experience in broadcast media than myself.

    As for my poll being bogus, you can believe that if it makes you comfortable. The results are not skewed. As to me thinking that LR is WAAAYY better than Aperture, I’ve never said that. I think the main thing Aperture lacks is ‘true” presets. For me that’s like having a sports car without tires.

    I am always open to allowing other opinions. In fact I ask for them. I appreciate that people like Aperture and have no problem with that. That does not mean however that I have to change my opinion.


  9. Hey Gavin,

    I agree with Scott, I listen both shows and both are different and great. You bring points and opinions that other shows do not. Keep it up that many people will appreciate that.

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About the Author

Glad you're here.

I'm from WA State USA and started studying photography in 97. I started work as a pro (using that word loosely because I sucked) using film at age 16. I learned fast but was not as easy to find training then. Sometimes I beat my head against the wall until I figured stuff out.

As digital dawned I went all in and got to study with masters like Ken Whitmire. In 09 I founded the Pro Photo Show podcast. I started promoting tone-focused editing. When Lightroom arrived, I started developing tools to make editing and workflow better.

20 years of study and photography around the country earned me a Master of Photography (M.Photog) from PPA. I got to see my workshops and tools featured in publications across the industry. Once I even won the prestigious HotOne award for my "EXposed" light and tone workshop.

Wanting something calmer, I moved to Mexico in 2017. It's a land of magical light. I'm here now exploring light and trying to master my weak areas. I make videos of that for my Youtube channel, sharing what I learn. I hope you'll stick around and be part of Light Hunters Tribe... Gavin

Gavin Seim
