May 30, 2024

Pro Photography Podcast
Pro Photography Podcast
Clone of Pro Photography Podcast #210 | Your Photos should have FEELING

Photography Podcast Host: Gavin Seim.

In today’s podcast we have to face more Ai reality and my counter to it is quickly becoming pictorialism and learning from it for a digital Ai era.

Leave a comment below, or talk about this week’s episode here on the Shadow Hunter Facebook group. Also, don’t miss the next Shadow Hackers Online Workshop for Free.

What Pictorialism is teaching me about feeling photos!

See my pictorialist actions and the video.

More detail is not better but shadow and emotion always win. That is not to say our photo should be blurry ar least for now reason.

We looked at some pictorialism style and did some edits in last week’s workshop I did on creating pictorial photography.

Watch the Pictorialism workshop I just hosted.

See my latest video. How much do you charge per photo?

I also mentioned Filmist and Elegance 4 Speed Masks.

Skit fo what Facebook is like in 2024

Model dies after being sucked into train.

Instagram marking real photo as Ai

ASMP Calls out Adobe

Pro Photography Podcast Picks of the Week

Buy a vintage 50mm 1.4 lens and an adapter

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May 26, 2024

Yes, it’s a basic question. How to charge for photos? How many should I give, how many outfits, hours, etc. New photographers and sometimes veterans love to colocate their lives because they don’t understand customer service.

I edited all my broll here with Filmist LUTS, it’s not just for Lightroom and C1. Also make sure you start listeb to Pro Photography podcast for more topics like this.

That’s what you need to understand in this crazy competitive world. The truth is that unless you are experienced, confident and know how to serve. They don’t need you. They might as well use their phone.

I don’t mean this to make you feel bad. Only to be real. We have to have high standards. People don’t need McDonald’s style photographers anymore. And if you don’t make them feel good, they won’t come back.

So in general charging for an image screams amateur. Now selling stock photos, fine art prints, etc is a bit different. But if your client feels like you are holding back, you lose credibility instantly.

Here’s that book I mentioned. You can read it in data but all these years later it’s still a great reminder when you run a photo business, make workshops, or are in charge of a cafe in Mexico.

To be great in a craft business. You have to understand how to be a servant. How to make people feel good. How to give them experience and quality. How many photos in a session and how many you give the client can vary. Your skill and confidence should be a constant, however.

So the topic today is whether you should charge per photo and how to charge for photos. The real answer is that you you charge in a way that is the simple simple and makes the client feel loved regardless of whether you price high or low compared to the market.

That says. The lower your price, the lower the quality of clients you get.

Let me know what you think… Gavin Seim

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November 2, 2023

Pro Photography Podcast
Pro Photography Podcast
Pro Photography Podcast #207 | Photos are fake, CineStill, and Real Photography.

Photography Podcast Host: Gavin Seim.

Leave a comment below, or talk about this week’s episode right here on the Shadow Hunter Facebook group. Also, don’t miss the next Shadow Hackers Online Workshop for Free.

Pro Photography Podcast real Photos
A taco stand in Mexico. A real photograph taken on Portra 800 35mm Film and note editing.

On this weeks Pro Photography Podcast… Are photos even real anymore.?

On this Professional Photography Podcast we talk about photo news, the Cine Still scandal, and what Ai is doing to photography. The conflicts in the world are showing how deceptive it can be and new tech like Content Credentials is making systems to know what we are seeing.

Real photos from real people not from AI and we need to start using that. I shoot film and make things like Filmist film presets to keep a grounded focus on that.

Real photos tell a story of a person place or thing. They are the nouns of images and they matter. Ai-generated images will never be real photos. That does not mean they are not a real part of the market now. Only that we need to understand the difference.

The same scene taken on a Fuji X100 and edited with the Filmist Portra 800 preset. Still real.

Videos and other important things mentioned on this show.

Cine Still responds to peoples anger with legal fluff.

Peo PhotographyPodcast Pick of the Week

Steam Deck is perfect for photographers.

Other things mentioned today on the photo podcast…

Check out Elegance presets and Gav’s other products on the homepage.

Is it the end of the DSLR?

Gavs channel video about why you need to STOP using contrast.

Pro Photography podcast and what Ai is doing to photography
Taken on film like this (Lokak Ultra 400), or on digital, it’s important to understand that the imperfections of real photos matter. Perfect is getting easy, real is getting hard.
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July 14, 2023

Pro Photography Podcast
Pro Photography Podcast
Pro Photography Podcast 2.0 #204 | Edit Naked | July 14th 2023

Host: Gavin Seim – Leave a comment below or talk about this week’s episode right here on the Shadow Hunter Facebook group.

This week on Pro Photography Podcast

Let’s talk about news, how we edit, and what makes out photos photo. Attend Gavin’s Shadow Hackers Online Workshop Free.

Watch this week’s video on the Secret Layer avoiding the OVER-EDIT.

Here’s the example photo I was talking about on the show with two various approaches to the edit.

Also, watch Gavin’s video on the new curve and layers features in LR.

Check out Elegance presets and Gav’s other products on the homepage.

Product Picks of the Week

Gavs Pick: Poloroid SX70 Camera and Polaroid SX70 BW film. Here are some portraits I have done with it.

Other products mentioned throughout the podcast…

Links to other things we mentioned.

Ai cover photo. But it started with a photo shoot. Is that bad?

What this bridal turned over canoe session real and doe that matters.

This time a photo was disqualified because judges “thought” it might be Ai.

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June 6, 2023

Pro Photography Podcast
Pro Photography Podcast
Pro Photography Podcast 2.0 #202 | How to Expose Better | June 6th 2023

Host: Gavin Seim

This week on Pro Photography Podcast we talk a little more about bringing back the show. Then in the Photo News Nuggets, we’ll talk about what’s new in Photography and a little Ai stuff.

For our main topic, Gavin Seim shares some of his best exposure tips picked up in the past 15 years of being an exposure perfectionist and how that relates to real-world shooting.

Leave a comment below or talk about this week’s episode on this post of the Shadow Hunter Facebook group.

Attend Gavin’s Shadow Hackers Online Workshop Free this week for more deep exposure tips.

Product Picks of the Week

Gavs Pick: USB Rechargeable LED flashlight

Other products mentioned throughout the podcast…

Fuji X100V, is my favorite street and travel camera.

Pentax K3 Monochrome

Leica Q2 Classic and Monochrome Leica Q3 was also just announced.

Links to the things we mentioned.

Gavin’s history of photography with the late Ken Whitmire

My street photography guide blog post.

Silver 5 presets and BlackRoom actions.

Stop Exposing to the right video and examples

Gavs Easy fixing totally blown highlights video.

Japan says your photos are fair game for Ai.

But Italy won’t let you use a photo of The David because of copyright.

Chris and Jordans Leica Q3 video.

The new Ai camera is not really a camera.

Nikon Z8 limits your use of third-party batteries.

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