Poll: What’s the best photo editor to use in 2019

Nothing’s perfect, but with some peoples frustration with Adobe CC attention is coming to available alternatives.

I also made a video recently about my personal thought on LR vs C1. Tell me in the comments what you think about today’s growing competition of editing solutions.

[poll id=”5″]



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  1. I am an Adobe cloud user; would love a less costly alternative…but there just isn’t anything out there that I have found that I can switch to seamlessly. I don’t have time to deal with a learning curve.

  2. I use Capture One Pro instead of Lightroom (except for B&W and Silver) and Photoshop. Infinity could be used instead except for filters.

  3. I switch to capture one but use Lightroom for b&w and silver. Use photoshop for layers and masks.

  4. I am an abstract digital and paint artist. I use a combination of Photoshop, Corel painter and other Corel programs, and the Topaz suite of programs. I have but don’t use On1, Photomirage, and PhotoZoom Pro 7.

  5. The survey does not allow for people who use different software depending on the image. Lightroom is central to my photography work flow and cataloging but I also use DxO PhotoLab 2 and Nik. I use PhotoLab specifically for low light high iso images. It has by far the best noise reduction and sharpening controls. Colour correction is also superior to Adobe.

  6. I use DXO PhotoLab2, sometimes Nik Collection. Separately, I have been using Luminar 3 and have been comparing it to DXO. I don’t have any experience or really know of Capture One. It might be too complicated for me. Your thoughts and a rankings (ease of use) would be welcome. I like to take pictures, and my software skills are poor to middle road so I tend towards easy intuitive interfaces with low learning curve.

    I previously used Aperture and trusted Apple but they did a huge dis-service to their respective customers when they unceremoniously abandoned it. Jobs cultivated reciprocity of a loyal customer base that was taken care of with product advancements; however, Apple has lost their way since Jobs passed. Now it is strictly big business at the expense of the customers; when in fact it is the customers that make them the big business! (PS I have been a Mac user since the very early 1980’s)

    I do have Lightroom standalone software V5, and now Adobe is trying to migrate everyone to the cloud. I do not trust the ethics of a big corporation. This includes Adobe. And I don’t trust the cloud which centralizes architecture and ultimately possibly failure versus a distributed model.

    I like your independent approach. I also like your photographic style. I like that you detail the “How to” aspect, for slower learners like me, meaning; step 1do this, step 2 do this, etc. I am happy to buy your products when they line up with what I am using. I did buy your Exposed course; that was great. Please keep up the good work, I am most grateful for your commitment to the photographic craft.
    Kind regards,
    J. Neel Perkins

  7. I have been using Macphun since they started. Found them great. But their products went down the gurgler since they cg=hanged their name which changed their attitudes to the market.

  8. Dxo for straight edit images. PS CC and many many plug-ins, for Photo-Art and designing. Photo Mechanic and Topaz products.

  9. I switched to Capture One from LR at the beginning of this year. I think one of the major benefits of C1 over LR is the ability to edit on layers in C1. I feel I have much more control over my local adjustments in C1 than I had in LR. Your point about the learning curve is well taken but it’s no more onerous than trying lear any other new system whether or not related to photography. The webcasts and other learning tools offered by C1 were very helpful to me.

  10. I’m a bit of a software “geek” and probably enjoy my editing work more than actually shooting photographs.

    Loghtroom CC is my hub for ALL THINGS related to my digital photography universe, however beyond that, I use a lot of other applications and plugins including Photoshop/Camera RAW, Photo Mechanic ON1, DXO PjotoLab/Nik Collection, Exposure X5, Perfectly Clear, Luminar/Aurora HDR, Corel Painter and probably a couple I am overlooking.

    Over the years I have used a few others including TopazLabs, Photoshop/Premiere Elements, PaintShop Pro and many other rather secondary software packages, but they have all been eliminated at this point.

    I have tried Capture 1 and while I do like the color control and layered workflow features, they were not impressive enough to offset my complete workflow centralization that Loghtroom offers me. Most of what I can do in Capture One layers can be done with different techniques using Lightroom’s selective adjustments and masking tools.

    For composite work, Photoshop is the go to program…period! Afinity Photo is an interesting option that I may have given a better look at if I wasn’t so heavily invested in the Adobe ecosystem, but this is really the only other potential option for high quality composite work.

    I recently migrated from the PC to Mac OS so I am currently trying Final Cut for video editing, although I still prefer the PremiereAfter Effects workflow….probably due to familiarity at this point!

    I hear people bash Adobe all the time…mostly due to the CC subscription plan, although they have some performance criticism that is very valid as well. However the value, especially with the Photography Plan, for just $9.99/month, is awesome.

    I have the full CC plan with 1TB of cloud storage so I am paying much more…yet even so, it is still and awesome value compared to what I used to spend for the Creative Suite with upgrades. Today there are more applications and services in the CC plan including mobile applications that the competition just can’t match.

    If you are a person who likes to stay up-to-date with the latest versions, the CC plans are an especially good value. But to each their own. The beauty of photo editing in 2019 is that we have never had a wider selection of outstanding hardware and software than we do today. Between desktop workstations, powerful laptops and convenient mobile devices…there truly is something for everyone.

    (P.S. Of course, my Adobe products are made even more useful with all of the great Seim presets and actions available to me.)

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About the Author

Glad you're here.

I'm from WA State USA and started studying photography in 97. I started work as a pro (using that word loosely because I sucked) using film at age 16. I learned fast but was not as easy to find training then. Sometimes I beat my head against the wall until I figured stuff out.

As digital dawned I went all in and got to study with masters like Ken Whitmire. In 09 I founded the Pro Photo Show podcast. I started promoting tone-focused editing. When Lightroom arrived, I started developing tools to make editing and workflow better.

20 years of study and photography around the country earned me a Master of Photography (M.Photog) from PPA. I got to see my workshops and tools featured in publications across the industry. Once I even won the prestigious HotOne award for my "EXposed" light and tone workshop.

Wanting something calmer, I moved to Mexico in 2017. It's a land of magical light. I'm here now exploring light and trying to master my weak areas. I make videos of that for my Youtube channel, sharing what I learn. I hope you'll stick around and be part of Light Hunters Tribe... Gavin

Gavin Seim
