Well the original Jpeg is getting a bit long in the tooth and by the looks of things an adoption of a new improved format may be taking it’s place over the next few years.
Among other things, the Microsoft HD Photo format is capable of higher dynamic ranges, & better compression, and has been opened up for royalty free use by Microsoft. The JPEG Committee has decided it’s a go, and to move ahead with HD Photo as a new standard under the name Jpeg XR.
Now you may be asking yourself why on earth didn’t this JPEG Committee give it a fresh name instead of taking jpeg and adding some letters. Well we’d guess it’s cuz their the “JPEG Committee” Ya a new fresh name for a new flashy format would have been better marketing, but thats what happens when you name your group after a file format before considering the ramifications of the fact that it will eventually go out of style. At this rate we figure 100 years from now we’ll be stuck with formats like Jpeg-NCC1702-2X.5 Pretty catchy huh?
In all seriousness however. Though anyone who has an club built around a file type should be considered pretty nerdy. It does seem that their doing a good job so far, since we all use jpeg nearly everyday. In any case we may just be due for an upgraded standard. Of course this could turn out like another JPEG 2000 which as we know never really took off in a big way. (then again what has ever stuck that had “2000” in it’s name)
Based however on the fact that imaging technologies are growing, we’d say that the world might just be about ready for this update. Lets hope Microsoft can make it work without screwing things up! Remember however that even though Jpeg XR is moving along, it will still take some time. The real proof of success will be when the standard is adopted as the format on our cameras. That’s when it will really become the new standard. For more info check out the article on news.com.