In Lightroom, Capture One RAW, ISO noise is a big problem… Or is it?
There are lots of De-Noise tools. I’ve owned most and reviewed more thru the years. The story behind me obsessing over noise goes back to the early RAW processing days and I’ll show you in today’s video how to avoid that pasty digital noise reduction look and switch it for a rich detailed film look.
I made you noise and grain filmic preset for Lightroom and a style Capture One.
This week’s discovery is so important that I made a free UPDATE for FILMIST with what I discovered. I even updated the Filmist FREE pack to include one of the presets.
Get Filmist complete or FREE here and download my detail and noise preset I’m using in the video. I made it as a Lightroom preset or a Capture One Style.
How to correctly reduce noise and use grain in LR and C1
There are two kinds of noise. Luminance and color. Both need some processing, but NOT as people think. Noise will be the friend you’re looking for to make photos amazing. I started exploring these detail techniques when I made the filmic looks for my Silver 4 black and white presets pack.
I explore this idea more when I made the new Natural HDR 4 presets as I created formulas like Night Mode preset for dark photos.
Then I saw it! That’s what this week’s video is about.
Great edits are about the formulas and how we use light. Whether you make your own or start with tools like mine. To that end, I’ve been tinkering more explain the solution to most noise problems. Including worms and artifacts that can plague our files.
So today I’m finally going to show you what I discovered about the noise that turned into a little workshop of its own. Watch the new video and I’ll make this easy. It doesn’t really matter what RAW editor you use.
Watch the video…
This works like magic and it’s why you need to STOP removing your noise and start leveraging it in your photography. Leave a comment if you have questions and I’ll see you next time.
I promised I would make a video about Lightroom VS Capture One because it’s been a while. The Capture One vs Lightroom workflow is similar, but not the same, and there’s a lot of debate.
In 2022 both editing apps have advantages. So in today’s video, I’m going to get hands-on and show you Lightroom and Capture One, and how to get the most out of both so you can decide which one is better. Should I use Lightroom or Capture One Pro? Let’s find out.
Watch my video: Lightroom vs Capture One 2022
Get my Free Lightroom presets and free Capture One Styles.
Try my Natural HDR , as well as packs like Silver and Filmist film presets. Presets/styles make a huge the diffence in both apps if you usequality recipes. All my develop preset packs have Lightroom Presets and Capture One Styles inluded. Even the free preset packs you’ll find around the site.
Is Capture One or Lightroom more feature rich in 2022?
In the past, Adobe also tended to move slowly, but in the past year, they have started innovating with Lightroom. Probably because of competition from apps like C1, One One RAW, and others. So we all win here.
Lightroom and Capture One are powerful tools, and I’ve been using both for a long time. I develop editing packs for LR and for C1 side by side. I see their ups and downs. You’re here to compare Lightroom vs Capture One. So I will in my conclusion and in the video above.
While they both have advanced, I feel that Lightroom is edging out Capture One and I think it’s mostly happening because Phase One does not listen to customers. There are things in C1 2022 that are just finally improving after many years of customer requests and frustration.
Lightroom AI and auto mask tools are far ahead of Capture One. Capture One in turn has more panels and adjustments than Lightroom. This can be good, but also confusing to new users.
Capture One can be purchased. Lightroom on the other hand is all subscription based. Unless you go with the old Lightroom 6 version bought used. It’s a good app but getting very dated.
But Gavin, Capture One is better for Fuji files and WORMS!
Fuji files in Capture One are always said to be better. Are they really? If you use Fuji you’re in the right place. We’ll look and see if C1 still handles details better in the video, so you can make the best choice for your Fuji workflow in 2022.
The results of both Lightroom vs Capture One are good, but they have distinct differences that may sway you to one or the other. There’s nothing wrong with switching back and forth, but I like to choose a main primary editor each year, and that’s how I manage most of my work.
Lightroom handles Fuji and any other files perfectly in 2022 and so does Capture One.
What about older versions? Like Capture One vs Lightroom 6
I don’t dig into this in the video. But if you’re holding out because you hate the cloud model and won’t subscribe to Adobe. I get it. and for you, it’s time to switch. LR6 is very dated, and the processing tools you can get in Capture vs Lightroom 6 are better, hands down. Stop clinging on and get upgraded to something better like Capture One, One One, or another RAW editor that does not demand a subscription.
Conclusion – Lightroom vs Capture One?
I’m noticing more people starting to switch back to Lightroom as the price of Capture One rises. though available as a standalone, it actually costs more than Lightroom and Photoshop combined in 2022. But at least you own it.
Capture One Pro has some more advanced tools that some of you will like, and Lightroom os more essential. Capture one has a Levels tool and a Curves tool, for example, while LR only has curves. In the end, both these tools do more or less the same thing, but having both can be handy,
Lightroom is improving at a faster pace. For years Lightroom was pretty stagnant, but people moved away from forcing Adobe to up its game. As of 2022, mask tools, particularly AI tools, are more powerful in LR. The layers in C1 are nice, but the interface is dated, and they have not had substantial feature updates to layers in years.
Don’t think you can avoid a real layer-based editor like Photoshop or Affinity by going with Capture One or Lightroom. It’s not a replacement. C! and LR are still RAW editors and if you try to replace Photoshop with it alone, your finished images will suffer.
Since this video, there have been a few interface updates as C1 tries to get more modern. But Phase One is very slow to listen to customers and make changes. Though Adobe is also guilty of this, you would think Phase One would want to be on top of it to gain market share. Sadly, they don’t seem, to care about customer happiness any more than Adobe does.
If I was asked right now… Capture One vs Lightroom Gavin? It will have to be Lightroom. But it’s a personal choice and this could change with an update. They are close. Get a trial of both and see for yourself.
Final Capture One VS LIghtroom Thoughts.
When I first started testing Lightroom vs Capture One years ago, I was impressed, and it seemed like a viable way to escape Adobe. But as time goes on and prices go up, Phase One seems to be ahead of itself.
In the end, these are both very good editing apps. Lightroom is easier to use and has more features overall. Capture One has more nuanced color control, but there’s little I can do there that I can’t find a way to do in Lightroom.
If someone tells you that Capture One gives you better images. I have not found that to be the case in 2022. Lightroom produces equal results. So try them both and use the one that feels best to you. they are both good. In the end, these are simply tools, and if Capture One takes a big leap, I will be right back here talking about it and not afraid to switch.
Meanwhile, Lightroom wins the overall Capture One vs. Lightroom battle, but both apps are good and produce excellent photo edits.
Here’s how I get my one file HDR from styles and presets in Natural HDR 4. And free presets for you.
Thanks for checking out my Natural HDR presets. The way to create better HDR formulas. I’m also uploading a free sampler pack of Natural HDR 4 here for LR, PS, RAw, and C1.
This week’s video is training on my HDR presets, but it’s also full of secrets of how I edit single files into HDR using LR, RAW capture one, and more. It’s truly amazing what we can get from a single file, especially a raw file if you edit well.
Today’s editing techniques come from years of tinkering and I’m going to upload some free presets to help you get started fast without buying anything.
Photographers keep under-editing their work. But just dragging the sliders won’t fix it. Heck, that was the theme of the Muse editing pack that we originally shot this session for. So lets edit portraits better with some simple techniques.
It’s always harder in real life I know. We are gonna dig into that today as we take on the cute photo session we did for the Muse launch and I’ll show you hands on how I edit with it.
How do I edit portraits better. How prevent myself from under-editing blues. I always use tools that push be to go past the basics. I stay sharp Lightroom presets or Styles for Capture on to edit fast, I use actions or watch videos like this one. BUT I also use those manual tweaks to get your look perfect. I’ll show you in this weeks video. It’s time to edit portrait better. It’s time to to stop under-editing your photos, so let’s tale this bull by the horns.
Here’s some useful links related to the video as well.
There’s a couple more in depth training videos from this shoot for PhotoKit members where we dig more into the session and some more advanced edits.
The winning formula to get a better portrait edit here, was starting that edit in camera. Finding the light, getting a great look and then being unafraid to edit like we meant it. Even though we have not taken any of these into Photoshop, used actions or made detailed fashion or skin edits, they still look great and from here we can go wherever we like. Hope you enjoy, let me know if you want to see more like this.
Golden sunset shot edited with muse lightroom presetsA soft edit from muse of this cute bustier. It’s all about editing portraits better.
Does C1 give better results on Fuji or other files? Today we look at some hard-to-process files from a Fuji XT-3 and see what the results say.
We’ll take a few FUJI RAW files and see what really hap[pens when we do the same process in LR and C1. To do that we’ll use the Classic Negative look from Filmist which will process the images almost identical in both.
Let me know if the comments what you think about the results and what you prefer.