Over the past couple months, I have been keeping an eye on the photostream of Opo Terser. Armed with a Pentax K200D, Opo’s various photos show a fine mastery of macrophotography [which is fairly tricky when working with insects]. Coming from a fellow entomology enthusiast, it is really stunning to see the amount of insect ‘head shots’ in his photos.
Getting fully focused, color rich photos of insects takes several attempts, considering how fast most insects move in comparison to a camera shutter. Opo is also an avid astrophotrographer. What is most interesting about both his astro and macro photos would be that they are both taken with the same Pentax K200D camera.
A good majority of astrophotographers I know or have studied use an entirely seperate camera to capture images. Furthermore, it is pretty rare to find someone willing to photograph far off galaxies as well as rare insects. Enjoy and be inspired!
Flickr Photostream: Link