I’m not to sure how well this is known, and there is no confirmation, but I just ran across this info while surfing Ken Rockwell’s site and found out that Nikon is releasing a new DSLR (the D3X)
Little is know about it, but the details from Ken Rockwell include a full frame sensor (5D size), 19 Megapixels, 4 FPS, ISO between 50-3200, 1/500 flash sync and all for the low low price of $8000
Old news. By the way that is just speculation on Ken’s part. Given my contacts at Nikon though I would expect a late summer release of a D3? but the details past that are none exsistant.
Great Podcast and site otherwise, but please do check that posts are fact and not rumor as that tends to have a negative effect on your criedability.
Regards, Ken B.
speed typing kills spelling. Please overlook my typos in last post.
It would be cool, but according to Ken this is *his* prediction and, quoting from his site, “is baloney since the people who know aren’t telling.”
This is a mock up. He also claims it is so on his site. It is his dream machine. I do dig it though. I saw this same shot on his site a year ago but maybe he got a real heads up and he had to claim to be hush hush about it.
I am a little disappointed that the comments I left yesterday were deleted.
Ya, the D3 is more like 15 MP and doesn’t look half as cool – maybe it will try to match the 5D.
They weren’t ken. They just had not been moderated yet…. PPS