The new Rebel XS SLR. Photographers Yawn!

Rebel XS RearCanon is updating it’s Rebel line yet again, replacing the Rebel Xt & Xti with the new Rebel XS (Cmon Canon at least think if a new name already)

Nothing too revolutionary here from the look of it. Don’t get me wrong, this is a nice budget DSLR. I just find myself bored by Canon’s less than amazing upgrades, sound alike names, and behind the curve pace next to Nikon’s amazing low noise, high ISO bodies. This is coming from a Canon shooter folks so lets hope this fall will see some serious upgrades to at least the higher end models.

The XS will sport a larger 2.5-inch screen 10 mp sensor, live view display, 3fps burst shooting, and a DIGIC III. It’s available now in Japan, but not till next month in the US. Should fall in at about 600-700 bucks. More details on Engadget.

Gavin Seim 

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  1. I don’t see what’s the point behind this release.
    It’s also being called rebel 1000. I really think this is retarted of Canon but they must have different views.

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About the Author

Glad you're here.

I'm from WA State USA and started studying photography in 97. I started work as a pro (using that word loosely because I sucked) using film at age 16. I learned fast but was not as easy to find training then. Sometimes I beat my head against the wall until I figured stuff out.

As digital dawned I went all in and got to study with masters like Ken Whitmire. In 09 I founded the Pro Photo Show podcast. I started promoting tone-focused editing. When Lightroom arrived, I started developing tools to make editing and workflow better.

20 years of study and photography around the country earned me a Master of Photography (M.Photog) from PPA. I got to see my workshops and tools featured in publications across the industry. Once I even won the prestigious HotOne award for my "EXposed" light and tone workshop.

Wanting something calmer, I moved to Mexico in 2017. It's a land of magical light. I'm here now exploring light and trying to master my weak areas. I make videos of that for my Youtube channel, sharing what I learn. I hope you'll stick around and be part of Light Hunters Tribe... Gavin

Gavin Seim
