So lightroom 2 is out. It’s a pretty amazing looking app though I have found it a bit slower. Not sure why, some things just seem to take longer. I’m sure Adobe will have it corrected soon.
I wanted to post about it because it’s cool, and also to let you know that Seim Effects presets are still fully compatible. Everything should work fine in LR 1, or 2.
There are also new features though, and that means new potential por presets. Stay tune because some cool new presets will be coming down the pipes in thye near future.
How do I load your presets in LGH 2?
I’m loving your presets! I’m waiting to get my LR 2 in the mail later this week, and am definitely going to purchase your actions in the near future 🙂
‘Stay tuned because some cool new presets will be coming down the pipes in thye near future’ -Does this near future mean very near, or a few months away? I’m not sure if I should purchase next week, or wait for more! Will these new presets be included in your current LR presets?
Thanks! You are definitely going to save me time in front of the screen.
Can’t find the folder in Lightroom to put presets