Nikon Rumors Heating Up Again

Just when it looked like things might finally slow down in the rumor mill, this ad pops up. Supposedly from Nikon Japan, Nikon Rumors has reported this, and has a few related posts over on their site. Apparently it says ‘BIG” in Japanese.

If this is a Nikon ad I definatly see them trying to cash in the the mysterious side that Canon was using to get so much press. Cmon Nikon, be original. You got good stuff, don’t copy Canon. Anyways what do you all think this could be? Speak Up.

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  1. Nikon did an ad campaign prior with the before announcing D80, as far as what it is who knows maybe the 24mp fx or a new mx(probably not) who knows rumors are just that rumors eh, but still exciting

    Keep up the good work Gav
    can’t wait for the next round table discussion

  2. I don’t know who is copying who. I know that I’ve see ads like this from Nikon before, so it seems that Nikon and Canon just keep going back and forth on this kind of teaser adds.

    No the guessing begins, an answer to the 5D Mk II like the D700x or D800 that has 1080p video as well and a more MPs. The sensor in the camera looks like it’s a wide format on too.

  3. Not really defending Nikon here (I guess I am) but I can remember ad’s like this for the F3hp and the FA. Wow, I’m really that old!

  4. It’s seems obvious to me that Nikon wants to bring out a camera to rival the new 5D Mark II. Maybe a 700 with video capabilities. I will continue to use Canon equipment as I prefer their “L” series lenses and do not feel envious of Nikon in any way. This situation is the best thing that could happen to Canon (and the photography world in general) as it forces Canon to make major improvements with their technology. I am personally enjoying the ride, just think of the awesome cameras we will be using in the next few years!

  5. The D700 is pretty new guys. Also it is Nikons answer to the 5D, and has most the features of the MK2. I could be wrong, but I doubt Nikon will be replacing it yet just so they can add video.

  6. Am i the only one wishing Nikon would put more effort into the lens side of things? I am anxiously awaiting the new 50mm 1.4 in December. Lets have more improvements on some of the glass that is out there.

  7. Quit being so bias Gavin. Nikon is not copying Canon when it comes to advertising. Every company has to give “mystery” to their upcoming products, or product-line. You really think that Nikon is so under-budget that they have to “copy” Canon when it comes to promoting future products? Why can’t you be fair and balanced man. So what, right now Nikon is on top in terms of low-light shooting…fine, in a couple of years Canon might have the lead. I hate it when people are so affected by choosing a side that it affects their commentary about new product releases. Whatever gets the job done man, that’s all the matters. Chill out with the bias.

  8. Everett I’m not really being unfair. The ad shown is clearly similar Canon’s ad. Note the way that part of the grip is lit. Did you even look at the canon ad? If it is indeed a Nikon ad there’s a bit of copycat here.

    I don’t care that much myself, it’s just an observation. Yes I’m a Canon shooter, but I have NOTHING against Nikon. The canon “Mystery” things was a big success. This does not happen with every product, in fact it’s the first time I’ve seen it with Canon, or Nikon myself. I think Nikon is good enough to be a bit more inventive 😉 Gavin

    PS. PPS is a new and commentary site guys. Of course my own bias is going to come thru when I comment. For this reason we have comments you you can comment as well 🙂

  9. Then I guess both Nikon and Canon are copying Apple since they are the kings of the “mystery marketing”. Anyway, I just found an ad in a Popular Photography from 1987 that shows the F3hp in a similar situation. Hmmm, I wonder now who’s copying who?!

  10. I suppose they are copying Apple in a way. It works good for Apple, why not canon/nikon.

    This is not some big conspiracy folks. It’s common marketing to copy things that work. I mentioned it because Nikon is running a very similar styles ad just after Canon.
    What ran it 1987 is not really relivent. This ad is coming just weeks after Canon’s, and the style is VERY close. The lighting as nearly the same. It’s a copy.

    If it makes you feel better you can say that Canon has copied Nikon in ISO options I don’t mind because either way I get what I want. It’s not some huge evil that they copied it. They just did.

  11. This is really no big deal. And I agree that it did come right on the heels of the Canon campaign so it is rather suspect. But it’s just fun to look at how unoriginal “we” have become with marketing and even style. I can just hear, with my eyes, David Ziser talking about how we need to think outside the box when it comes to the way we promote ourselves and what kind of products we provide. And as the general public is increasingly more aware of our world, we need to be differentiating ourselves from the next guy. Are you listening Nikon/Canon?

  12. I am pretty sure hundreds of company’s have used this kind of advertising campaign for thousands of mysterious new products over the years. What else are they supposed to do? They’re not going to get people talking if they just put a fully lit shot of the “secret” new product on a white background? What’s the mystery in that?

    Secondly, the Nikon ad is not a “copy” of the Canon ad, they both have similar characteristics. If it were an exact copy ad, Nikon would have had a partially lit moon in the background with some clever verbiage that doesn’t even end up coinciding with the real lunar cycle. C’mon Canon, if you’re going to get the moon involved in your ads at least respect it’s lunar cycle. 🙂

    Lastly, I think much of why the Canon ad was such a success was that people had been waiting YEARS for this 5D upgrade. Canon could have probably had an image of a partially lit (insert something moderately offensive to you here) with the words, “I like cheese.” and it would have been considered a success. My point is that it was and still is a much anticipated camera release.

    You’ve got to admit it’s fun to see these companies play leap frog by introducing some pretty amazing technology. As has been said many times on the show, competition is good.

  13. Whether Nikon copied Canon or not the goal of the add was achieved. There are thirteen comments on this post all taking about the ad.

  14. Too true Ben. They always say “There is no bad advertising” That might be a stretch, but it does apply in many situations. If copying something lands sales than GO.

  15. i just want a nikon with a full frame sensor for under $1500.. i’m sure nikon can work it out, right nikon?

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About the Author

Glad you're here.

I'm from WA State USA and started studying photography in 97. I started work as a pro (using that word loosely because I sucked) using film at age 16. I learned fast but was not as easy to find training then. Sometimes I beat my head against the wall until I figured stuff out.

As digital dawned I went all in and got to study with masters like Ken Whitmire. In 09 I founded the Pro Photo Show podcast. I started promoting tone-focused editing. When Lightroom arrived, I started developing tools to make editing and workflow better.

20 years of study and photography around the country earned me a Master of Photography (M.Photog) from PPA. I got to see my workshops and tools featured in publications across the industry. Once I even won the prestigious HotOne award for my "EXposed" light and tone workshop.

Wanting something calmer, I moved to Mexico in 2017. It's a land of magical light. I'm here now exploring light and trying to master my weak areas. I make videos of that for my Youtube channel, sharing what I learn. I hope you'll stick around and be part of Light Hunters Tribe... Gavin

Gavin Seim
