Transcend 8GB 133x Compact Flash Card
for 23 bucks (at publish time)
This weeks Cool Photo Product Of The Week is a sweet deal. Most of us use compact flash card’s in our cameras and with my new 5D MK II on order, I know I’ll be needing more of them. The price of memory just keeps coming down which is really cool.
I just picked up This Transcend 8gb card for less than 23 bucks. I’ll list it below so you can see the current price on Amazon, but these are a bargain. It’s possible to get cards slightly cheaper still, but these ones have great ratings, and you don’t have to hassle with any rebates.
If you use 4GB cards they make those too. Right now their under 15 bucks. Transcend 4GB Compact Flash
Have a great day… Gav
I’ve got the UDMA (300x) version of this card… 8GB. So far it’s been working great.