Lightroom 3:

by Gavin Seim: Adobe is taking things up a notch once again. Lightroom 3 will bring lots of revamped and new features that should keep it’s current user base happy and continue to bring Lightroom converts into their fold.

Export HD video slodeshows with music.
Export HD video sideshows with music.

Yep, it just went into public beta and is available for everyone as a free download that stays active until April of 2010, so presumably the retail version will be out near then. The beta does not support upgrading of LR2 catalogs however. Obviously the final version will, but for now it’s still in the feedback stage so you’ll have to make a fresh catalog to use it.

Resource Links.

Lightroom 3 will bring major architecture changes under the hood to help speed things up and run faster, but also a host of new features and perhaps even more when the final version ships. Here’s a few quick and dirty screenshots, musings and details on whats new.


  • Add a soundtrack and automatically match image speed to fit song.
  • Export slideshows as video, even 1080P HD

Performance & network drives?

  • Images can still be on your network drive (just like now) but you still can’t run your catalog from the network drive which is a real bummer. Adobe seems to be ignoring this which is not cool, but hopefully they’ll get it figured out before the final release.
  • Revamped import dialog new new interface, import presets and faster imports.
  • Faster performance when browsing thru images. This will be welcome for sure.
The new import dialog box
The new import dialog box

Brand new Effects panel.

  • Post crop vignette has been redone (it was pretty bad in version 2)
  • Improved noise reduction. Keeps images clearer during the process.
  • Grain sliders allow you to add texture back in (Remove nouse, now add it back).
  • Sharpening has been refined to produce better results.
Bteer noise reduction coming to LR3
Improved noise reduction coming to LR3

Print Module:

  • Custom Packages give you more control and allow drag and drop freeform print layouts.
  • Control background colors of too. I’ll certainly be adding smooth black backgrounds to my Projectics presets.
More fuctional pictures packages with more layout controll. And yes, finally controll of backgound colors.
More functional picture packages with more layout control. And yes, finally control of background colors.

Web module and more:

  • Fully functional watermark tools including image overlays. This works in export print and web modules. No blending modes though. Looks like the Mogrify plugin will still be useful.
  • Integrated tools for sharing sites using “Publish Collections” Set export settings, then simply drag images to the collection and click Publish.

No word on video integration with Lightroom. Product manager Tom Hogarty seemed a bit cagey about it in the press conference. That may mean nothing, but I sense they have some plans for video in the not too distant future.

Go try it yourself and see what you think. And if you’re looking to master Lightroom check out my Lightroom Power workshop.

power workflow lightroom presets
Gavin Seim’s PW2.
Get the best workflow you can buy. Now over 1000 fans on Facebook.

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Tell me your thoughts....

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  1. Looks very cool. Shame about the Network store and catalogues though I can see their pain with that. Personally, I hope Adobe NEVER puts video support into LR. If you are serious about video, you need serious video software. LR at £150 is never going to be able to offer serious video editing tools at that price. Either the price rockets, or the video support will be minor to say the least. LR is for photographers, Final Cut etc is for Videographers.

  2. I have to disagree with you Kevin, I think it will be mad not to put some basic video support in Lightroom. I currently do small video clips in camera so have to import my photos and videos onto my computer externally to Lightroom, then import them again into Lightroom which is a real pain and waste of my time. But I do think Lightroom should stay well clear of any editing more complex than basic trimming start and end of videos. Can’t wait to download and try the beta, it looks great!

  3. STILL no network support? It seems like the two biggest needs are network support, and watermarking. I guess I should be happy ONE made it in. LR really needs to be network, and MULTI-USER aware. How many people have a media server? Where I work, we have 5 people that could use a more robust solution for our Media. I keep looking at Microsoft’s product for that alone, though, adding ONE MORE step into my workflow does not excite me.

    It seems like Adobe assumes EVERYONE works by themselves… and doesn’t understand collaboration. This is very frustrating for me.

  4. ” no word on video”

    A lot of people seemed to have missed something important in LR3 BETA. In LR2 it would totally ignore video files in the import dialog, it wouldnt even acknowledge that they were there. But in LR3 they show up in the import box and you can sucessfully copy them off the memory card and re-name them alongside your photos. I did this with a test batch from a 5dMKII this morning although it took several attempts due to bugs.

    Once this is done they do not show up in the catalog but they do contribute to the file counter in the folders on the left of the library. My guess is that video support will be in the final version and that it has been disabled for now. There is no reason wy they cant do videos. But for now , at least you can copy them from your card without having to do it manually like you had to do with LR2

  5. I like the fact that it automatically imported my LR2 presets without me doing a thing. The new features are nice. I love the new import dialog.

  6. Thanks for that tip Dan! I didn’t realise LR3beta does now copy videos, something not detailed in anything I’ve read anywhere. That will save me so much time and hassle. Now I have been using LR3beta, I am loving it, especially the new vignetting tools. I can’t wait for the full release.

  7. Have been using lightroom 4 for a while and has made a big difference, loving the new sliders that don’t fight with each other in the way the old ones did.

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About the Author

Glad you're here.

I'm from WA State USA and started studying photography in 97. I started work as a pro (using that word loosely because I sucked) using film at age 16. I learned fast but was not as easy to find training then. Sometimes I beat my head against the wall until I figured stuff out.

As digital dawned I went all in and got to study with masters like Ken Whitmire. In 09 I founded the Pro Photo Show podcast. I started promoting tone-focused editing. When Lightroom arrived, I started developing tools to make editing and workflow better.

20 years of study and photography around the country earned me a Master of Photography (M.Photog) from PPA. I got to see my workshops and tools featured in publications across the industry. Once I even won the prestigious HotOne award for my "EXposed" light and tone workshop.

Wanting something calmer, I moved to Mexico in 2017. It's a land of magical light. I'm here now exploring light and trying to master my weak areas. I make videos of that for my Youtube channel, sharing what I learn. I hope you'll stick around and be part of Light Hunters Tribe... Gavin

Gavin Seim
