actions in Photoshop If you want to see the orig higher res video click here
October 29, 2006
October 29, 2006
actions in Photoshop If you want to see the orig higher res video click here
October 29, 2006
For you Pro Photo Show listeners who visit the show notes often you may have noticed right off that things have changed a little. Here’s the news. This is the new Pro Photo Show show notes and blog page, and is now completly separate from the podcast feed. Now if you look on the links bar over to the left, you’ll see a link to the feed page. The feed page will be used exclusivly for the podcast feed, and having this as the main show notes page will allow articles to be posted more often without weirding out the feed. I’ll explain it on the show so everyone will understand, but this is good news and I’m excited about it… Look for lots more posts, and news in the near future
October 29, 2006
Pro Photography Show #7
The show for photographers, by photographers –
Podcast subscription feed is — Voicemail Line ~ 206-666-2074 — Skype ~ theprophotoguy
Subscribe, or review in itunes — Vote in Podcast Alley
Show Notes… This week I babbled a whole lot about some ideas about the future for us photographers. I still think it’s a good topic however, because I think we need to keep ourselves thinking, and working to be better photographers, and to learn more more more…I was also talking about the tireless war of film vs digital, and you can check out this article about some comparisons of that here. It’s not completely recent, but still has some interesting information.
During my long topic on the future of our jobs, and motioned our business scaling to meet the changes, and read a few lines from an article about scaling by Tim Sanders, so check out his blog if you would like to read more about that.
Not a whole lot for links this week, but I hope you liked the show, and are looking forward to the next one…
October 29, 2006
Pro Photography Show #8
The show for photographers, by photographers –
Podcast subscription feed is email =
Voicemail Line = 206-666-2074 — Skype = theprophotoguy Subscribe, or review in itunes — Vote in Podcast Alley
Show Notes…
Well this week we had a great interview with photographer Liana Lehman.
The show was longer than usual, because there were so many neat things to talk about. First is Liana’s website at We also talked about her upcoming Xtreme workshop, and you can hear more about that at
In the discussion of workflow I mentioned some cool things I use including Auto Loader for cycling my edit image thru photoshop in a fast efficient manner, X-keys, and of course all the time saving tips I get from the OSP photography forum. That should pretty much cover it for the links this week.
Don’t forget do give us a rating on itunes, or a vote in podcast alley if you get a chance. I would also like to thank Liana again for coming on the show. I had a great time…
October 29, 2006
Pro Photography Show #6
The show for photographers, by photographers –
Podcast subscription feed is — Voicemail Line ~ 206-666-2074 — Skype ~ theprophotoguy
Subscribe, or review in itunes — Vote in Podcast Alley
Show notes…
Lensbabies has a new lens out for your lensbabies lovers
Alien Bee’s is about to realease a new ringlight style strobe, it’s not on the site yet, but they are taking some pre orders, and you can request a pdf info sheet by emailing them.Other thanthat we pretty much just talked about some ideas in dealing with client’s, and I also mentioned a fresh idea ragarding marketing on myspace and we’ll talk about that more in a future show.
Sorry about not including the voicmail number in the show, I did not catch it till it was to late, You can feel free to leave a comment at 206-666-2074
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