Better Editing: Since the first version of Lightroom was released, Power Workflow has become the ultimate creative workflow collection for Lightroom users that want speed, creativity and control over their images. It’s the foundation of a professional workflow. V6 brings a decade of refinement into the most powerful preset kit in the industry that works with any shoot, any image and any style. PW is better, workflow and better time management. PW6 is netter editing.

  • F.A.S.T: NEW batch presets that work on anything.
  • Super Easy: NEW Super presets and One Clicks
  • MAGIC Presets: One click fixes. Even better in V6
  • STACK Effects: New Pixel Forge MODs for endless looks.
  • Finish it: With details, Grads, Grain  and Sharpening.
  • Works in LR/Photoshop/Camera Raw
  • Backed by our Iron Guarantee.


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Bundle Deals — SAVE $169+

Get all 6 Seim LR Preset Collections.
Natural HDR 2
Silver 3
Classic Vinyl
Elegance Brushes

— + Sliders Workshop


Check out other bundles here.

Or enter code: BUNDLE for an instant 15% off on 2 or more products.

F.A.S.T: The new Furiously Automated Stunning Treatments are a group of presets design to do amazing things to one image or to thousands. Choose one of the FAST series and apply it to an image to get an amazing look. Find a favorite for your shoot and apply it to a thousand images, get a snack and let FAST do the work.
Improved Super and One Click: PW6 is the culmination of a decade of design. From the Simple Super presets that are used to apply timeless clean looks to any image, to the creative one click effects to give you everything form faded tints to cross processes, PW6 has no lack in creativity, power and speed.

PIXEL FORGE: The MOD presets in PW6 are better than ever. Change your look on the fly, selecting and modding any specific area of your image with a single click while leaving all your other image settings alone. This is as much control as you can get in Lightroom, and the possibilities are endless.


Better editing

saves time. And time is money, and PW6 is better editing. The Power Workflow series saw it’s first iteration in December, 2007. That is more than a decade ago. Version 6 is just really, really perfected. PW6 is a fine wine, a 30 year scotch, with its rough edges smoothed away by time. It is smooth. It is fast. It’s time-tested and loved by photographers everywhere. PW6 is better editing. It really is that simple.



Try Power Workflow 6 Risk Free.

Download Power Workflow 6 and try it yourself for a week or two. If you’re not satisfied let us know why within 30 days and we’ll fix it or give you a full refund. We should warn you, these tools are rock solid and returns are rarely asked for, we just want you to know you can be confident in a company that stands behind it’s products.


What’s New in V6:

— Refined and redesigned presets for even better editing
— FAST: Furiously Automated Stunning Treatments.This is batch processing at it’s finest.
— Super Presets: We’ve added many more one clicks and quick and easy presets, to make your workflow, flowier.
— Better Editing: Power Workflow 1 is over a decade old now, and from then until today, it is all about doing it right, in a timely fashion.

— UPGRADE: Own a previous version of Power Workflow? We emailed you an upgrade coupon to SAVE 50% Get in touch if you missed it.


During the life of Lightroom one, way back in December of 2007, I released my very first truly successful preset collection. That was the first version of Power Workflow. Now here we are, more than ten years later, with Power Workflow 6. With every new version more and more people have discovered that PW pays for itself in the blink of an eye, just with the time it saves. I have always loved efficiency, and so looking back it just makes sense that this was where it began. The whole point of power workflow is simple. If time is money, we have to use our time wisely. Batch processing,  One clicks, and straightforward, intuitive control. Time-savers. That’s why I invented Power Workflow.

Now, in 2018 and version 6, it really is ultra-refined. Lightroom can do a lot, but it isn’t capable of much more than this. I could go on and on, but most of you already know. MOst of you have used PW, and PW’s history of performance speaks for itself. If it like efficiency, if you like beauty, you are a person who makes images, you need better editing, and that means you need PW6.

Outdone yourself

I've been using your power workflow since version 1, but you've really outdone yourself with version 3, it absolutely rocks!

Dennis Bowman

Very best

You have the very best Lightroom Presets and they have reduced my Lightroom 3 workflow significantly and helped produce better quality JPG files.



hey Gavin I've had a couple days to spend with your new effects and let me tell you they are GREAT I even download pictures that other people take just to see how it can improve and it works great!!


For professional photographers, Gavin Seim’s plugins are, hands down, the best choice. The Power Workflow pack is terrific for cleaning up and color correcting your photos


Big fan

"I’m also a big fan of SEIM Effects presets for Lightroom. They are both truly brilliant products from award-winning photographer Gavin Seim.

Vinny Troia

Holy smokin' amazing

Holy smokin amazing, you really outdid yourself with this set, I shot this morning came home to your email, uploaded session, purchased presets, and pure perfection without having to monkey in photoshop 1 bit! AWESOME work I love all the presets and can really see a difference from PW2



Try More Examples:

Want some examples Just move the sliders below to see what Power Workflow 6 can do!























Who is Seim?

Seim is an award winning Master Photographer and educator constantly strives to understand and share subtleties of light. He’s a master of Lightroom and workflow loves quality. Back in 2007 as LR was getting started, Gavin released Power Workflow 1. Since then, he has designed a wide array of Actions and Presets as well the Award-winning EXposed Light Workshop.

All images and content, products and information copyright Seim Studios. Adobe products required to use this product are not included.

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I'm Gavin Seim. I'm a Shadow Hunter

I started photography in 1997 at age 12. I'm a PPA Master, Hot One and Loan Collection winner and Lightroom expert. My images, tools and workshops have been featured in books and throughout the industry.

I was born in WA USA. I started working pro (using that word loosely as I sucked) using film at age 16. It was not easy to find training then and often I beat my head against the wall to win. 20+ years in the trenches earned me my Masters (M.Photog) from PPA but it taught me that's just the start.

I moved to Mexico in 2017, exploring the magical light of the South, creating tools and workshops as well as the Pro Photo Podcast. There's lots of videos and free things here. If you have questions I'm here to help

You're rightly skeptical of photography tools in today's market. That's why all sales are NOT FINAL here. I guarantee each tool and workshop with my 31 day No-Regrets Guarantee! -- 
Gavin Seim

  • Having install trouble or need a fresh download? Visit the help page.
  • Contact me: or text message, 509-951-4860

Gavin Seim

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