July 13, 2010

What kid doesn’t love a holiday where exploding things is OK. I guess I’m still a kid in that sense, because 4th of July is still a favorite of mine. The independence of our nation celebrated by family, fireworks and banners. Once every few years my family pitches in and we have a big get together with a great DIY fireworks show. This was one not one of those years however, so I decided to help out on the crew of Orion Pyrotechnics for a show they were doing in Ephrata. It was neat to work on a professional show, and something that’s been on my todo list.

Technique: This image was a favorite because it’s different than most. It was made using a sigma 15mm fisheye, making it appear even lower to the ground and subtly showing the surrounding area. I applied a slight color tone from one of my presets and then did a few manual tweaks. The exposure was —-

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