January 24, 2009

I was honored to have recently been interviewed by Tommy over at the Pieces Of The Picture website. They have lots of cool photo related posts, and each Friday they do interviews with photographers.

Photographers can be so dry when being interviewed. I think they went easy on me. I tried not be boring in my responses, but I’m only human. How I did will be up to you, but you may learn a little more about how I tick.  Check out the interview here and don’t forget to add their site to your read list… Gav

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January 23, 2009

by Gavin Seim: A problem people often have with HDR pictures, is getting a bold but balanced look. Often their images end up too flat, too fake, or too fancy and the entire goal (which is a vivid High Dynamic Range image) is lost. Here’s a few tips that apply to HDR nature as well as HDR portrait images on how I get a bold but not overkill look.

Below I’ve combined two – three image sets as HDR’s in Photomatix, but I’m just getting started. To bring it out, I need to mold them a bit and coax out the details I need.

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January 21, 2009

The big PPS Winter/Christmas contest ended on Jan 1st and the winners have just been chosen:
Special thanks to this years sponsors. Stop by and visit them:

I wanted this contest to be totally fair. First I gathered all the entrants email addresses into a single list, including doubles for those who earned double entries by linking to PPS. Then I randomized and numbered the list using Alpha B, and then used a Web number picker to choose winning numbers for more than $2000.00 in prizes. Thanks to all who entered and congratulations to all who won, you’ll be contacted soon.

Even if your not on the winners list, watch your inbox. All entrants will receive a special free effects pack from Seim Effects that has some brand new effects in it including the new Golden Sun presets. You can also fan Seim Effects on Facebook for more specials and freebies.

Stay tune for the next contest by watching the site. You can also become a PPS fan on Facebook. That way you’ll be notified when contests come up. Don’t forget click thru and check out the great products from our sponsors. You may want to buy them anyways since their all so cool.

An The Winners Are…. (insert drum roll here)

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January 21, 2009

by Gavin Seim: This weekend I had a booth at the Wenatchee Bridal Show. The confession I have to make is this. While I was happy with my setup and received great feedback, I ran into my typical problem. I was not a good enough salesman.

Now those of you that listen to Pro Photo Show know that I’m not a shy person. It’s as if like I sit in my booth making weird sounds as I flick my lip with an index finger making that interesting “buh buh buh” sound. Nope, I do fine interacting with people and being professional. Until it’s time to seal the sale that is.

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