It’s a little hard to believe that in 2006, me, a twenty year old kid who was shooting weddings and whatever else he could get hired for, jumped in feet first and had the nerve to start a show telling people how to be better pro’s.
Now some would contend that I’m still just a punk kid who doesn’t know much about anything. Perhaps they’d be right, but I do know there’s a lot we can learn as photographers, no matter what our age or experience.
Today we’re starting The Best of Pro Photo Show. Content posted on the site quickly gets pushed down and sometimes fades into internet oblivion. Then I’ll get a question a year or two later and think. “Someone talked about that on a show”
We’re going to add the best articles and podcasts to this page, which will then be continually updated. This isn’t some automated popularity algorithm. It’s our hand picked content, so that newcomers and long time fans can find the goodies easily. I’m especially embarrassed by some of the early podcast’s. I still have a lot to learn as a broadcast as well, but I cringe at some of the first shows. Still some of them contain good stuff and for that reason I’ll keep them around all the way back to #1 which can still be found in the archive.
I have not seen many sites using a best of list. Sure I may be crazy, but I think it’ll be useful now, and as PPS continues to grow. So, without further adieu..