September 10, 2008

<<Click To Listen – Pro Photo Show #50

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Host, Gavin Seim; Seim PhotographySeim Effects

Show notes
Pro Photo Show #50 Forum Discussion
Join the forum discussion of recently announced cameras, DRM, canvas wraps, long exposures, surpassing customer expectations and more. Also see the Should Photographers Be  required to be licensed thread.

-Canon 50D is official plus a new 18-200 EFS 3.5-5.6

-Seim Effects FB fan page. Get free goodies if your an SE fan.

-New Canon Bodies soon! Hopefully the 5D MK2. The Canon Moon ad is a great way to get people talking.

-Nikon D90 is confirmed and has HD video.

-Sony A900 full frame DSLR coming soon. Will they contend with the big boys?

-Adobe CS4 to be announced on Sept 23rd. Do we really want it yet, or is this an Adobe cash cow.

-Blow Up 2.0 is out from Alien Skin is out.

Gallery Wraps. Who do you use? Here’s a guy reviewing then on Flickr.
Canvas On Demand

Talking about impressing clients, and surpassing expectations.
The Purple Cow is a great book to help you get ideas on being remarkable in your business.

Photographers Edge photo cards.

Rice studio supply for studio materials.

Pick of the week…
Cable Releases

On One Pligin Suite 4

Podcast subscription feed is

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September 8, 2008

Nik Siver Effects Pro = 4/5 stars

Silver Effects Pro

UPDATED: 04/10.

We’ve worked out a deal with Nik and you an save 15% on any of their products with promo code PPS.

I finally got a chance to play with Nik’s new Silver Efex Pro. It’s a Photoshop/Aperture plugin for making Black & White images from color one’s. Here’s the straight scoop! The interface follows Nik’s fairly clean and simple window style that graces the rest of their plugin’s. When it open’s you’ll be greeted by your image; a sidebar on the right that gives you control over the effects being added; a sidebar on the left with some easy preset effects,  and a few other tools around the screen that control the preview, etc.

Overall I liked the plugin. It suffers the the problem I find with most PS plugins, that causes me to stick with actions and presets for most images. When you open an image in the plugin you have to wait a few seconds and then use the tools in another window. Essentially PS goes away for that time, and when you commit those changes you are returned to your regular work environment. There’s nothing really wrong with this, it’s just not great for a workflow with large quantities of images, but more designed for those great images you want to spend extra time with.

I did find what’s inside to be simple and effective. There’s various preset options for making B&W images fast. You have color tones, film type, color filters etc to give you full control over making a nice piece of art. There’s also the ability to add some great looking grain effects is so desired, and the plugin; like many Nik products includes the U Point option that allows you to easily control effects on specific portions of the image (See Viveza)

BOTTOM LINE: I won’t be using Silver Effects for my everyday B&W images, because presets in Lightroom and actions in PS do most the the B&W effects I need, with more speed. I can also get most of the effects that the Silver provides by using the built in tools that PS provides (though with a bit more work)
All this said I think Silver is a good tool for getting great B&W effects on those images you want to spend some extra time with. It’s also great for trying out various effects with a lot of control and precision. I knocked off a half star because, Silver, at $199.00 costs twice what it probably should. Still if you have 199 to spare, and want a great tool for really fine tuning B&W images then pick it up (you can of course try Nik’s short 15 day demo).

Gavin Seim

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September 5, 2008



 (UPDATE) There’s also a Canon teaser that shows an image of an unknown camera. Apparently this teaser is active. The moon gets a little fuller each day, and when it’s gets to a certain point you can see the Camera. Kinda silly, also a good way to get attention (thanks Mad’s)

Apperentally Canon is feeling the heat of Nikon’s fire these days, and they want people to know their working on it and that good stuff is just around the corner. Either that or their just trying to be Apple!

Their promoting “something soon” in the  on some of their sites. One banner reads “The EOS story continues… See the future of photography… Stay tuned. Not much, but at least we know something on the way.

If the rumor mill is right, we should see new gear announced around the 9th of this month (Sept) Time will tell however. I’m inclined to think that’s right. Thanks to on friends at Camera Dojo.

UPDATE: Here’s a pretty good post on Northlight Images with a roundup of various rumors.

 Gavin Seim

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August 26, 2008

Canon lens

Canon released a New lens along with the 50D announcement. I think this lens will be the ultimate travel lens for us Canon users. Nikon has had an 18-200 for awhile now and I’ve been on the look out for a Canon compatable clone for a long time. Now I’ll just grab one of these. No word on the pricing yet.

Compact, lightweight and a wide magnification range – this standard zoom lens features a wide focal length range from normal to telephoto equivalent to 29-320mm in the 35mm format. It features an Optical Image Stabilizer for up to 4-stops of effective correction even at full zoom. Since Canon’s optical image stabilization system is in the lens, not in the camera, you can see the stabilized, steadier images through the viewfinder. And the circular aperture can give beautiful background blur effects. This new wide zoom ratio EF-S lens delivers excellent high-speed performance at an affordable price.

Link to Canon’s site.

Jarrod Michael

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August 26, 2008


Update 08.26.08: Rumors are turning up true right and left. USA today let out the dirt on the D90. Most the specs look pretty normal, except this baby also shoots HD video clips. Not a bad add on. Looks like another win for Nikon. Here’s their official press release.

I think most of us are getting a bit tired of rumors, but I always try to keep reader from both Canon & Nikon camps up to date on the bigger ones.

Engadget is reporting on this shot the the Nikon D90 that seems to have been leaked on Targets website. It supposed to sport a 12mp sensor, 3″ lcd, 11 AF points, and ISO 3200. Nothing too earth shaking, but this should be a nice incremental upgrade. Besides, Nikon’s been sending out some pretty crazy stuff lately. They don’t all have to be ground breaking. Do they?

Gavin Seim

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