August 9, 2008

419ffbsjutl_ss500_.jpgExtension tubes allow you to put a spacer between your lens and your body this giving you a close macro focus distance.

Canon sells these, but there a bit pricey, so I decided to try the Kenko brand. They work great! You still maintain the contacts with the lens so you have all the metering and AF (though manual focus generally works better when your shooting a macro). You aren’t adding any glass in between, so image quality stays good, and the tube attached just like a lens.

Now if your really into macro a dedicated lens would doubtless be better, but these tubes are pretty cool. I just stick a 25mm tube on my lens, and I’m off to the races! I find my 24mm works best on the 50mm range lens.Wider angels don;t seem to like the tube, but I think the 12mm might work better for those.

You can the the whole set of 3 for Canon, or Nikon off Amazon for about 160- bucks (as of writing) Or you can just get one tube and see what you think. If your getting one I’d say start with the 12mm, or 24mm for Canon or Nikon

Here’s a shot I took this morning with a 24mm tube on my Canon 50mm. I’ve always thought macro was cool, this is a great way to play with it and get great results..

macro toothpicks

Gavin Seim

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August 9, 2008

Seim Effects, our sister site has a cool new deal for fans. Many of use PPS listeners and readers use the Seim Effects workflow, and not their on Facebook.

“Here’s the plan. I make a LOT of effects, some of which don’t make the final collections, and many of which do. For Seim Effects club members I’m going to be sending out free goodies for you to try out, and hopefully give feedback on so you can have your say in future releases. Also for being a part of the club you’ll get special discounts and promotions.

All you have to do is become a Seim Effects fan on Facebook. Also you can follow me on Twitter to get updates, cool stuff, and a stream of cool photo related ideas and links. Join us on both!”

Of course you cal also fan Pro Photo Show on their facebook page as well 😉 the link for that is in the upper left nav bar.

It’s FREE! So join the club. Here’s the links

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August 7, 2008


Note: There’s are web designers who will build WP sites. While I don’t offer web design services myself I do offer consultation by the hour for those that need advice or want to manage it themselves. You can find that here.

By Gavin Seim. Updated 01/10: With a Word Press site I can probably do anything you can with your site and more. It’s a good platform with great add on’s and it’s easier for me because I have control. I can pick from thousands of free themes on the net, mod them how I want and get my own look.

Besides Pro Photo Show here’s a few of my other sites built entirely in WordPress.

Word Press is a platform that many bloggers use. Many photographers use it for their blogs in fact. What many don’t realize is how much of a content management system WP is, and how good it is for building a complete photographers website. It’s like the simplicity of blogging, but for your entire website.

I use it on all of my sites and can make my blog and website all one. I like that integration a lot. Images can be posted equally easy on static pages or blog posts via your online admin panel. Flash or HTML slideshows can easily be made in Photoshop, or one of my favorites ShowIt Web, and embeded right into the pages for my galleries.

Here’s some thoughts on using WordPress for your next website. Besides the fact that it’s FREE.

  • 1. Ease
    I could go on all day about the cool things you can do with WP. It’s not just function, it’s simpicty. Granted to really customize things you either need to be willing to take the time to learn, or simply get someone who’s a web geek. As an example. I can start with a theme, and build a good looking site in an afternoon. After that making changes is only a web browser away, and can be done without much experience. It’s so much more powerful than a traditional HTML site, and far easier to manage than a flash site.
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August 5, 2008


Those of us in the Canon camp are really really eager for Canon to get some new product out the door to catch up with our Nikon counterparts. The 5D MK II (or 7D) has been in the rumor mill for well over a year, so it stands to reason Canon has to act soon.

Engadget is reporting on it, but there’s not many more details. This box shot could pretty easily be faked. Then again with Photokina just around the corner we would think that Canon would be making some announcements (at least they’d better be) Time will tell.

Gavin Seim

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August 5, 2008

I just wanted to give everyone a shout out about the Seim Effects club. It’s nothing too formal, but it should be super fun, and it’s totally FREE!

Here’s the plan. I make a LOT of effects, some of which don’t make the final collections, and many of which do. For Seim Effects club members I’m going to be sending out free goodies for you to try out, and hopefully give feedback on so you can have your say in future releases. Also for being a part of the club you’ll get special discounts and promotions.

All you have to do is become a Seim Effects fan on Facebook. Also you can follow me on Twitter to get updates and cool stuff cool stuff, and a stream of cool photo related ideas and links. Join us on both!

It’s FREE! So join the club. Here’s the links… Gav

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