August 19, 2007

8-3-07-40d_21.jpgIt seems has been spilling some beans on the 40D. After scouring various places on the internet, and finding some good details over on hiptech blog and engadget it seems that the specs are out, and the release date is Sept 20th. Time will tell, but it looks like it’s about here, and these far more detailed specs than we’ve had before reveal that there are indeed some nice upgrades to the line.

It looks like the 40D sports a 10.1 megapixel sensor (no surprise there) but it also has a 3″ LCD, and speaking from experience on the 3″ LCD from the popular Canon PowerShot SD630 point and shoot that’s a really nice thing. It also has the live view function, which we assume will be similar to that of the 1D MK3. Frame advance had been bumped up to 6.5 FPS with bursts of up to 17 raw files. It also has 35 zone metering, and Canon’s integrated self cleaning technology.

The unit is rumored to be around $1299 for the body only. If you want to read the full click the more link.

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August 17, 2007


Heres a very neat looking app, that though it’s not yet available has me turning my head. It’s called Pixelmator. It’s no Photoshop, and actually that’s a good thing because even though we love Photoshop it’s refreshing to see other fish start swimming in the pond. Esescially lately, since Adobe is showing less and less care for their customer, and more and more care for the almighty dollar.

Now we should mention that pixelmator is not claiming themselves to be a Photoshop killer, and is more likely aimed towards consumers, so we don’t expect Adobe to go draino anytime soon. But we do know that it looks amazing, and even if it is a more lightweight app that could be very useful to us photographers, and to those who don’t need Photoshop enough to warrant paying what it costs.

Pixelmator supports a ton of file formats including .psd, has layers, and supposedly a ton of other fun features. The best think is unlike many other photo editing apps it sports a SUPER looking interface. It saying it’s sexy going to far? well you can judge that for yourself, but it sure does look interesting.

Sadly this is a Mac only program, but that happens to be one of the reasons it is such a nice looking interface. and we’ll keep our eye’s open for great new photo apps in the Windows world. We’ve contacted the team over at pixelmator to see if that can give us any more info, so stay tuned.

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August 10, 2007

182114806-m.jpgA post over at Photography Bay reported some more 40D info that leaked out today. It seems that best buy is supposed to have the 40D in stock on Sept 2nd for about 1600.00. This looks to be a kit with a EF 28-135 IS.

We checked it out, and indeed the leak seems to have started over on the infamous DPReview forums, and considering all the rumors and pictures flying it looks like we’re really about to see this thing.

In a way we figure it’ll be kinda sad when this does come out, because what will we rumor about then. On the other hand isn’t canon about due for a 5D update?

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August 8, 2007

It won’t buy you a Nikon Digital DSLR, but close to it.

Found an interesting article in the Washington Post concerning the price of DSLR’s and how much those prices are falling.

Most professionals will shy away from this camera, but some semi-pros (like myself) are looking at these as great second bodies.

There is good news when it comes to price drops. Yes, it’s frustrating to see the exact same camera body’s pricetage fall when a company comes out with version 1.2. However, as those prices fall – more and more cameras sell. Most of the time, companies then re-invest in R&D. In turn, photographers get faster cameras with better features.

At least that’s the hope! Conspiracy theorists can comment below!

Apple Store

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August 6, 2007

I will never forget my first venture to an NFL sideline. I was a young intern with WWL-TV in New Orleans and the Saints and Falcons were tied late in the 4th quarter of a divisional playoff game.

I was enamored with the action, crowd, suspense, and yes – the photographers.

I will also never forget one particular photographer (his name is not important and to be honest, I never asked) who had black electrical tape on his camera – covering the brand name, Nikon. At first, I just assumed that he was a Canon-guy and was forced to use Nikon equipment; thus, protesting the decision by his boss.

However, that was not the case. I asked him, “Why the black tape over ‘Nikon’?”

He snapped, “I’m not a walking billboard – I’m a journalist!”

It’s the reason for the recent article here on PPS, and why this story is getting a lot of attention in the photo-journalist circles.


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