A bit mundane for those of us who only dream about owning the 1D MK III, but if you do you’ll be interested to know that Canon has realesed the new firmware 1.1.0 for the system.
We noticed a quick review of a book over at Imaging Insider, and decided to check it out. The book is called The Deep, and it’s by photographer Claire Nouvian. Whether your an underwater photographer or not this book will amaze.
You can check out a whole article on this over at CDNN, but the bottom lone is that this book sets the standard for underwater photography. Now we understand that this is one of those things that could inspire us to to go and buy an Ewa Marine and start shooting the deep, but don’t expect to be shooting this kind of work overnight. We found the book for a pretty good buy on Amazon if you want to check it out below.
It seems Claire spent more than two years on this project, and it looks like her work paid off. I’ve never been a big follower of underwater photogrtaphy books, but this one caught my eye enough put it on my amazon wishlist soon as I found it. The Deep: The Extraordinary Creatures of the Abyss
The Canon 40D, anticipated predisesor to the Canon 30D may be here sooner rather then later! Then again it may not. We actually don’t know, but we figured you would want us to help spread the rampant, unconfirmed rumors across the galaxy. As many of us know there’s an old Gizmondo posting stating there was a spec sheet leaked that tells the juicy details. Some of these include…
* 10.1 MP CMOS sensor
* 5fps, 30 JPEG image burst (same as 30D)
* Integrated Cleaning System
Now an upgrade of a faster fps rate would be great, especially in this emerging HDR world. It would also be nice to see something a tad more revolutionary than what we see listed. Then again, if we think back to when the 30D replaced the 20D we see that the updated feature set was minimal. It may be that Canon is following this same path with the 40D, but only time will tell.
In my speculative opinion we’re likely to see the 40D in the next few months, but I feel the feature set (though it may or may not match the one above) will be not revolutionary, but rather just evolutionary. People are getting anxious for a new release, but placing a call to Canon revealed no additional details (no surprise there)
Those on the Nikon bench probably don’t care about t he 40D. Then again it could turn out to be so great that Nikon users will flush their systems down the nearest toilet, causing massive sewer problems throughout the world, and rush to the nearest Canon dealer?? Well that’s not likely to happen. But as long as Canon and Nikon continue to wage war on one another shooters in both camps will benefit. The saga continues….
Well you PC users already got your new OS, but us mac photographers are still waiting. Leopard is coming soon however and I’m really excited about the new features. Amazon is now takings pre orders of OS X Leopard as well. One thing I like about the Mac OS is that you can even get a family pack for only 200 bucks so you can upgrade all your systems.
Well I finally deiced to take the plunge. We’ve been talking about forums on PPS since the beginning, and we’re finally here.
The new Pro Photography Forums section of PPS will now allow us to build a community of photographers and individuals on a free forum, that we will hopefully build a relaxed atmosphere in.
I’ve tried top integrate the forum into PPS as cleanly as possible using the SMF platform. And it should be fun to have the whole PPS community be able to chat, and share information.
So what are you waiting for? It’s free! Go sign up, and start talking.