June 6, 2007

In the past few days I’ve had a bunch of site problems. If you came by you may have forst noticed that all the page formatting was gone, and now though everything look correct there are still problems. For this reason many links or downlaods may just redirect to the homepage. Some images may also be missing, but not all. I’m working with support on correcting the problem, and hope to have everything back to normal soon. You can use the site, but it may give you a little trouble. When things are back to normal we’ll let you know.


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June 3, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS #32 Album Design Software

To download mp3, right click above link, and “Save As”
Podcast subscription feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/prophotoshow

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Show Notes… (also see) Part2 – PPS #33 Album suppliers.

New wide format printers announced from Canon, Google 3D warehouse for CS3 extended, Adobe releases Camera Raw 4.1.

Sign the petition to free the Iranian captured relief worker Kian.

Album design software.
Check out the Album design software forum thread on OSP. Gary Fong’s album design actions for Photoshop, and Kevin Kubota’s Photoshop System. You Select It standalone design software, and Yervent Page Gallery. In design is what Gavin uses, and you can learn how to do it with Kevin Swan’s training video.

Pick of the week this time is The Digital Photography Connection. They have lots of useful training videos for Photoshop, and Lightroom.

[tags]photography, wedding, album design, software, tools, workflow[/tags] Gavin Seim Photography 2007

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June 1, 2007

The Professional Photography Show Flickr Group continues to grow and grow. We now have 200 members! I would like to welcome and thank all of you who have recently joined up with us.

If you are new to Flickr and have any questions, start up a discussion topic and I’m sure our memebers would be glad to help. Be sure to keep posting new images when you can. It is really fun to see what the group has been shooting lately. Don’t hesitate to ask for constructive criticism on your images if you are looking for feedback on such things as lighting, posing, composition, etc.

Dennis “Dz”

DZ Photography

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May 31, 2007

Well you Uh… 3D Warehouse fans are now in luck! Adobe Just Announced a CS3 Extended Plugin for Google 3D Warehouse that you can download free over at Adobe Labs.

In all seriousness though most of us think Google Earth is really cool, and if you like making buildings for it this is probably for you. So what are you waiting for? Go make some buildings and get them.


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May 30, 2007

Nikon D40X

Digital Photography Review has just posted their in-depth review of the Nikon D40X. So what is the difference between the Nikon D40 and the D40X? Is the “X” worth the extra money? This review is also very helpful if you are currently using a compact digital camera and looking to enter the digital SLR world. DP Review does a great job comparing the Nikon D40X to it’s direct competition, the Canon EOS 400D and the Olympus E-410.

Dennis “Dz”

DZ Photography

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