April 5, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS Episode #28

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PPS #28 Show Notes…

  • News

Yep your on the new Pro Photography Show site ( just in case you didn’t notice) Don’t forget to bookmark the new address. This is the new home of PPS

Adobe Photoshop CS3 announcements.

New Photoshop, Flash, and the whole suite coming at the end of April. Dreamweaver replaces GoLive, but Go Live will still be in production. check out the launch day videos on adobe’s sit.

Adobe announces Creative License training conferences
So you want to get an edge on the new Creative Suite from Adobe. Check out the conferences, and chances are you’ll find one in a city near you.

Canon updates firmware on digital SLR cameras.
Yep there should be one for every EOS digital body, covering various simple enhancements, and bug fixes. You can fin your here on the Canon update site

  • Main Topic…

Getting Really Vivid Images
I won’t go into all the details here, as you can hear all those on this PPS episode. But as promised I do have a free Gavin Seim official PS action for you. This is confirmed to work in Photoshop CS2 & CS3. It should also work in CS, and perhaps even earlier versions. But you probably have the latest version anyway so that you can use all of Gavin’s future actions… Right???

Well anyway here is Visual Razor 1 free and ready for download. It’s a good action for a general vivid enhancement of just about any image. Usually you would run this first (maybe even in a batch) and then apply any other effects you need

That’s goona wrap it for this week gang.My wedding is this Saturday so you may not hear from me for a bit, but don’t worry I’ll be back. In the meantime don’t forget to stop here and keep up with all the great news, and content that will be coming up on PPS from our other authors. I also plan on posting updates, and maybe even some images from the honeymoon on my personal blog


Pro Photography Show


PPS is a Gavin Seim Production. Gavin Seim Wedidng & Portrait Photography, Ephrata Washington USA

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April 3, 2007

Well I’ve been waiting to write this post for quite awhile now. The PPS site redesign was actually done weeks ago, and I’ve had all kinds of hassles with domain names, DNS names, and the like.

As you can see the PPS URL is not prophotoshow.net Though prophotographyshow.com will still be directing here I thought it would be better to go for an easier name.

Hope you like all the upgrades. Take a minute to explore a bit. You can not easily search, and get related posts for your query. You can look at items by category (not fully updated yet, but keep watching the categories). You’ll also find the vavigation always on your lest so you can check out the notes or recent podcasts, review in itunes, and more.

Also PPS now had four new writers helping you stay up to the minute with news, ideas, and information. Even during those tedious moments between PPS podcasts you can now feel at peace, knowing that there’s content for you here.

This is all bread spanking new folks so don’t hesitate to leave a comment if you see a problem or bug.

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March 29, 2007

I know that this is not directly photography related, but since many of us photographer do web work I decided to pass along my thoughts.

Yahoo Small Business has a lack of customer support that has pushed me over the edge. I have been with them for over two years, and have been patient and understanding, but I’ve finally had it after spending hours this weekend trying to get help with some issues, and getting nothing for it but a pain in the neck.

I will sometimes call and get half decent help if it’s something simple. Anything else and I usually know more than the tech even though I am not an expert. If anything tough comes up they don’t care whit, and will barley try. They just pawn you off to email support which is absolutely horrible, and does not follow up worth beans. Not to mention that anyone who is having a real problem does not want email support. They want someone on the phone who can help them so that they don’t waste a ton of time.

Yahoo does offer some nice features, especially for people getting started in web sites, but as you get more experienced you find that they lack in areas that a knowledgeable web master wants. Things like .htaccess configuration, php memory and others. If you everything goes right, and you don’t need a lot then you’ll be fine. But if you run into a real problem and call for help you can expect a blank duh from someone who is supposed to be experiences, but does not even know what your saying.

After two to three years of increasing dissatisfaction I have decided to dump yahoo and find a host who cares. There are many better hosts for less money. I have found good reviews on Host Gator web hosting and have decided to give them a try.

Perhaps yahoo will get their act together in the future, and get real about serving their customers.

Gavin Seim

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March 29, 2007

No this isn’t the anticipated Launch of the new PPS site (that’s getting close however)

As many of you know PPS is a member of the Tech Podcast Network It’s a great site to find more technology podcasts, and just today they launched a new site. If you like technology I encourage you to go over and check out all the other cool shows on their site at techpodcasts.com


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March 28, 2007

Here’s some cool info on the up and coming release of the new Adobe Creative suite. You can also see more info, and cool videos here

Adobe Unleashes Creative Suite 3 Product Line
Largest Software Release in Adobe’s 25-year History Revolutionizes Creative Workflows SAN JOSE, Calif. March 27, 2007

Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced the Adobe Creative Suite 3 product line, a revolutionary offering of tightly integrated, industry-leading design and development tools for virtually every creative workflow. Adobe’s new Creative Suite 3 line-up unites the best of Adobe and Macromedia product innovation to provide designers and developers with a broad spectrum of creative options for all facets of print, web, mobile, interactive, film, and video production. There are six all-new configurations of Adobe Creative Suite 3. These include, Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium and Design Standard editions; Adobe Creative Suite 3 Web Premium and Web Standard editions; and Adobe Creative Suite 3 Production Premium (see separate releases). Rounding out the product line is Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection which combines 12 of Adobes new design and development applications in a single box. the most comprehensive creative environment ever delivered.


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