March 24, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS Episode #27

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Show Notes… News
Photoshop CS3 will be announced on Mar 27. You’ll be able to see the event live online by going here. Adobe also released xmp 4.1. It will be in Photoshop CS3, and you can also dowload it here.Yet another Lightroom site, Lightroom Tools is a resource you can use to get more out of Lightroom. Check it out.

I also mentioned that Cory Polis, a photographer from Seattle will be shooting my wedidng, so check out his work.

We mentioned the Four Thirds when talking about the Olypus SLR’s, and you can learn more about Four Thirds Here
Pick of the week
Was Photovision bi-monthly DVD’s that show other photographers at work. A great way to learn more about what other photographers are using to get great shots.
Check em out at You can also check out the renew page for some subscriber discounts if you’ve had Photovision before. Or maybe just see if you can get the better deal.
Catch ya all next week…. Gavin

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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March 10, 2007


Direct MP3 Download – PPS Episode #26
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Show Notes… News
Olympus has some new digital SLR’s and the Better Light 416 megapixel camera back will be available this springMail
Listener Laurie wanted to ideas on where to learn more about photoshop. Check out NAAP
for lots of resources, and videos. They also produce a great podcast called Photoshop TV also look for it on itunes. Also try checking out Matt Kloskowski’s Photoshop Killer Tips.

lso to help pick a great new lens check out for lots of user reviews.

More tips
My tip this week was about what you need to make killer online slideshows. There’s a program for mac, or pc called ShowIt Web 2.0 and it works super. Just check out my Gavin Seim Photography site to see implementations. All the sideshows you see were made with it.

Organize and Backup
Here are the links to the automatic backup soultions we discussed this week.

Carbon Copy Cloner download (free, with donation suggested)
Carbon Copy Cloner Rating Source (highly rated)

Synk (this is what Gavin uses) ($25-45.00)

.mac web based storage (good for small things, but low capacity) (mac Only)

2nd Backup 2007.1 (highly rated)

Backup-2006 Studio 5 (well rated)

Carbonote. A new online based backup with lots of space (PC Only)

Now for hard drives

Here’s my favorite external hard drive enclosure
Aluminum case, usb or firewire, for 38.00

Then you’ll need to add a 3.5″ IDE hard drive.
Heres a 250 GB Seagate Barracuda ($80.00)
Hers a 500 GB version ($159.00)

That will do it. Except my movie suggestion Facing The Giants

Have a great week all… Gavin

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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March 4, 2007


Click Button To Listen, PPS Episode #25

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Show Notes… News & Reviews
Lexar updates image rescue (Win/Mac) to version 3
Photoshop is coming to a web browser near you

Listener Ben wrote in with a rave about “PC Inspector” file recovery software for Windows
I talked about wedding contracts. You can download a text file of my wedding photography contract, and feel free to mod, and use it for your own weddings. More tips
Heres is a great article about lighting on the go, such as with on camera flash at a wedding.
You can also find more great stuff from it’s author at
And…. you can listen to Neil Van Neekerk on PPS Episode 9Picks Of The Week is a great resource not only for photography talk, but also for lens, and equipment reviews.
StoneKast Studios recommended Say Cheese Backgrounds for some great deals on large vinyl backdrops.

Have a good week… Gavin

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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February 25, 2007

Direct MP3 Download – PPS Episode #24

Podcast subscription feed is PPS
Voicemail Line = 206-202-4142
Skype = theprophotoguy

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Show Notes… News & Reviews
First of all I mentioned an automatic file backup software for the mac on last weeks show, but forgot the link. It’s called Synk, and it really makes life easier if your on a mac.Naturally we talked about Canon announcing the EOS 1D mk 2, and it’s certain;y worth checking out. If your a Nikon guy it may just make you want to switch. Here is the 1D mk 2 press release, and here is the consumer page on the Canon site. They also announced the updated Speedlite 580EX 2, and the 16-36 L f/2.8 2 lens . Nikon also announced 8 new coolpix models that should be really neat, and you can check those out at the Nikon website.

Of course Adobe Lightroom was just released, and it’s worth taking a good look at. You’ll also find lots of good links for Lightroom training and such below in the picks section.

Weekly Tips
I talked about inexpensive Compact flash cards from Ridata, They work well, are fast, and very reasonably priced. Here they are on
I also mentioned that I would post a screen capture of my photography folder structure as a follow up on last weeks organization show, so here it is.
(click for the full size version)

Picks Of The Week

Here’s a bunch of Adobe Lightroom resources to get ya going.

(PPS) How to import Bridge raw presets into Lightroom

NAAP lightroom learning center launched to go along with
Luminous landscape offering 4.5 hours of lightroom training video for 14.95
Find and share presets at
How to move your Lightroom library to another drive

Cheers… Gavin

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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February 22, 2007

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In a press release today, Canon announces the coming of the new 10.1 mp EOS 1D MK III
A few of the great new features on the system… (for more details visit the press release above, or see the main MK II page on Canons website)


Entirely new 10.1 Megapixel Canon CMOS Sensor (APS-H size, 1.3x lens conversion factor), featuring the EOS Integrated Cleaning System Entirely new 10.1 Megapixel Canon CMOS Sensor (APS-H size, 1.3x lens conversion factor), featuring the EOS Integrated Cleaning System
World's fastest digital SLR: shooting up to 10 fps (frames per second), with a burst rate up to 110 full-resolution JPEG images or 30 RAW images World’s fastest digital SLR: shooting up to 10 fps (frames per second), with a burst rate up to 110 full-resolution JPEG images or 30 RAW images
All new high-precision AF system with 19 user-selectable AF points and 26 additional All new high-precision AF system with 19 user-selectable AF points and 26 additional “assist points”; superior low-light performance and faster operation
New lighter body with enhanced weather resistance and outstanding reliability: featuring a shutter that's durability-tested to 300,000 exposures New lighter body with enhanced weather resistance and outstanding reliability: featuring a shutter that’s durability-tested to 300,000 exposures
Dual DIGIC III Image Processors working in parallel to provide up to 50% less shadow noise and superb image quality; new Highlight Tone Priority option adds control of bright highlights Dual DIGIC III Image Processors working in parallel to provide up to 50% less shadow noise and superb image quality; new Highlight Tone Priority option adds control of bright highlights
Large 3.0-inch LCD monitor, featuring Live View Large 3.0-inch LCD monitor, featuring Live View

Canon also announced upgrades to it’s professional 580EX hot shoe flash to the 580EX II, and also an updated 16-26 L f2.8 II.

On the consumer side Canon announced many new compact models in the Powershot, and Elph lines, as well as some new printers. Many of the new photo products can be found on the overview page of Canon’s website

Gavin Seim
Pro Photography Show Audio Cast

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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