October 18, 2015


Deep night sky and Autumn Aspens lit with a flashlight. Sony A7R II, ISO 6400, 13 sec, f3.5, Canon 24mm TSe II. Power Workflow 5 Presets.

My top night photography tips:

  • Setup slowly and carefully on tripod before you shoot. In daylight if possible.
  • With stars decide on deep field or star trails, then visualize everything else.
  • Use a timer or cable release so as not to have any camera shale from button pressing.
  • Long exposure noise reduction generally helps your final image.
  • When light painting run some test shots and plant your best light strokes.
  • Metering is hard at night, but use your histogram to make sure you’re using the tonal range well.

I found this spot up in North Washington. In the day it was a plain aspen grove that was a bit weak. But I thought, this will all change under the stars. So I used a basic LED flashlight with a zoom head. That way I could get a bit of focus on the light. I have much bigger lights but at this ISO they washed out the Aspens as I wanted to gear the light towards the top.

Initial setup is important. You’ll likely have to experiment to get the flashlight just right and you don’t want to hassle with comp or focus at that point. Get that first. I setup neat camp before it was dark and then left the camera waiting. It can be done in full dark with high ISO test images, but setting up in the light make things much easier and you can really think about your composition and visualize.

If I want deep field like this, rather than star trails, I try to keep exposure 8-16 sec. If going for Star trails I want to extend out to 30 minutes or more. A camera that can handle high ISO is important for the shorter exposures. If you are doing longer star trails, you can dial back to ISO 200 or so and open up the shutter in bulb for 30 minutes or more like I did in 140 Minutes of Night. Of course everything changes if you have bright moonlight.

The key here was a balance between the trees and sky. I wanted the Aspens at Zone 6-7, but metering under these conditions is not so easy so I made a visualization in my head and then used histogram and previews to dial in the result (see the EXposed workshop for more on light).

Night exposes different from day. Post processing needs to be deliberate. I stay with the RAW file until the end. In night scene I’ll usually have to dial up the lights and white, but have to be careful not to blow anything out. I’ll generally start with presets and then dial it in. At the end I’ll do details in Photoshop.

There’s nothing like the Autumn; all of nature pauses, shining in all it’s radiance to give glory to God. The detail is great and this will print beautifully for gallery.

— Seim

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October 13, 2015

public-landsHere’s a tip for all you photographers and nature lovers.

Have you ever been to a remote gravel parking lot in the National Forest and found a sign demanding you pay $5 to park and hike. That’s ILLEGAL and you DO NOT have to pay.

I support the rule of law. That means law on goverment too. I don’t ALLOW goverment to charge me to use OUR wilderness. It’s against the LAW and here’s what you need to know.

I’m no socialist; we pay for these lands with taxes and they belong to us! As we travel this Fall I’m seeing many undeveloped areas where the Forest Service is trying to charge fees, despite the fact that it”s against Federal Law and the courts have told them to STOP. I WILL NOT comply.

Yes there are “some” developed areas of significant investment where it’s reasonable to charge fees, things like well developed campgrounds (though you don’t have to pay to undeveloped ones). We the people should NOT pay to park or use our lands. It’s not about a $5 fee, it’s about liberty and America. It’s no secret that I’m a liberty activist and frankly I’m tired of people being ripped off. We need the rule of law for goverment.

I usually know the law better than goverment, because I take the time to look. I uploaded a copy of the Nation Recreation Act that governs “Federal” public lands like National Forest, BLM etc (State and local lands can vary). The NREA is short, but being armed with this into will put you in a place of knowledge over your goverment servants, just as it should be.

The little things matter and liberty matters. It’s time we made our goverment respect OUR public lands. Enjoy the wild and if they give you any trouble, but a camera on it and spread it around. Know the facts stand on principle and enjoy.

Let me recap…

  • I don’t pay government to use the wilderness. It’s not freeloading, it’s the LAW. My taxes already PAID for that.
  • I do pay some fees like National Parks because they have large investment and they fall under exemptions of the NREA.
  • State and County lands are under different rules, despite legislation I don’t pay to use that wilderness either (such as the WA Discover Pass).
  • Refusing to pay for most Federal wilderness use is 100% LAWFUL. Read the law below. Refusing to pay for State and local lands is sometimes civil disobedience, you have to decide what is principled and what battles you want to take on.
  • Bottom line. It’s our right to use OUR lands. They do not belong to the king. Just use them responsibly and stand principled.

— Gav

Here’s the documents to have in your bag.



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February 4, 2015

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It’s not about where you are. It’s about how you light.

In today’s Photographic School video we get away from fancy gear and software. We’re going to talk about 5 things you should be using in your mind. Applying these factors will guarantee you better images EVERY time!

We’ll look at 5 images that have all merited at the PPA International Photographic Competition. Watch the video and look at a specific factors in each image that can be applied to any image any time and help build our ability to craft award winning photos images both before and after we release the shutter.

We dig even more deeply into these concepts in the EXposed and PHOTOGRAPHICS series.

Great images start not in the camera but in the mind. Today we’re going to see how!

— Gav

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February 4, 2014

best-of-free-presetsWe were making presets here before selling presets was even hip. No one makes them like we do because we don’t just make presets, we’re passionate about quality and that’s why all our effects are GUARANTEED. Knowing Lightroom inside out is a start, but understanding light and photographics is what really makes great tools.

From each of our Pro Collections like Power Workflow 4, we have Light Packs so you can try for yourself. I thought, “With all the free presets we give away, it would be nice to make a one stop list of our light packs”. So here they are. Our most recent preset sampler packs, designed for with LR4 and LR5 and sure to please. This list is not long, but you won’t find any junk here. Every one of these packs is quality from the ground up and will save you time. Please share and enjoy, Gav

Power Workflow 4, Light Pack – Download

PW4 is the most powerful presets you’ll find. It’s our signature set and we’ve made it since Lightroom 1. Every version has been more refined and now it’s so well honed that it just begs to save you time. In this great sampler pack we’ve included great selections from Power Workflow 4 that will get you started. You can also get the complete collection of more than 75 perfectly prepared presets here.




Color Fantasies 2, Light Pack – Download

Color Fantasies is a great color study and V2 took it to the next level. In this collection you’ll see powerful color twists you didn’t even know were in there, but we’ve done it with a subtle hand that is about gentle powerful color. Enjoy this sampler pack and check out the Pro Collection for more than 100 of the best color effects on the market.




Silver Shadows 2, Light Pack – Download

We’re passionate about Black and White. control at your fingertips. Many think you have to use plugins or black and white tools to convert, but Silver Shadows 2 dispels that myth and puts endlessly variable silver conversion ate your fingertips. Not just the looks that we use either. You can mix, match and tweak to quickly get deeply refined silver conversions. Start with this sampler and then check out the Pro Collection for over 100 conversion tools.


Elegance 2, Light Pack – Download

Elegance is a presets collection for takes on the local adjustments like brushes, gradients and radials. Save time by selecting the look your need and applying it locally right from within Lightroom. This sampler pack gives you a selection of starter brushes and you can the loads more in the Pro Pack.



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December 9, 2013


Here s great sampler set from our Power Workflow 4 presets collection. This is a collection of presets that been about 7 years in the making. We’ve been producing Power Workflow every since Lightroom version 1. Now with LR5 and Power Workflow 4 we have more power than ever.

PW4 is a collection of more than 75 presets and it’s guaranteed or your money back, but if you want to get started without spending a dime we’ve compiled this collection of 9 premium presets from power Workflow 4. I think you’ll agree that they are some the the worlds most powerful presets. Let us know if you have questions.

You can watch the demo video and learn more on the product page.

DOWNLOAD PW4 Presets Sampler ZIP

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