October 22, 2013

Here’s a fun outtake from the road as we film for the new PHOTOGRAPHICS miniseries. You can follow the trip here. Watch the real trailer and pre-order the film here.

Watch the actual trailer…

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October 22, 2013

An outtake from some filming we did recently. Sometimes you can’t avoid a movie reference.

Watch the trailer – PLUS,  pre-order PHOTOGRAPHICS and save.

The PHOTOGRAPHICS Miniseries is well under way – In fact Gavin and the crew are on the road for a month right now and are filming spectacular footage around the west that will make this study all the more fun. The Fall color out here is breathtaking. You can follow along right here.

But it’s not all epic landscapes and Gavin exploring. We’re taking on the tough questions of photography and we’re also going to masters of the craft and asking what makes a great photograph. In a recent interview we drove to Oregon for a one on one with famed Wilderness Photographer Rodney Lough Jr. His insights were golden and we can’t wait to show them to you in the finished series.

Talking to Rodney Lough Jr. about what makes a great image.

The film is still on Schedule for a late November release. We know you’re waiting and we’re as excited to finish this huge project as you are to watch it. PHOTOGRAPHICS has been almost a year in planning and it’s shaping up to be like no other photography film ever made.

This week we were in Nevada near Great Basin National Park. We pulled some amazing footage from there and thought you might enjoy this little outtake from the series. This was filmed on our C100, which has made our on-location work that much better.

Watch the trailer. Plus  pre-order PHOTOGRAPHICS and save.

Nathan running the C100 rig in Utah.
Nathan running the C100 rig in Utah.
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October 8, 2013

We are on the road for a month of Fall color. Not as long as the great 3 month winter tour, but no less epic for that. This time it’s yours truly Gavin Seim, my wife Sondra, our 3 kids, my brother and co-producer Nathan and his wife Allie. Yea, that means two cars and a lot of gas to pay for. So this trip has to be really good.

We’re filming the new PHOTOGRAPHICS Miniseries, making new pictorials and Super Camping around the west. (FYI you can check out our camping resource guide here). We’ve got 4×5 film, a cinema camera and the open road. We’ll bring you the play by play right here. You can also check out our travel map. Bring it on! Gav

Day 17-25 – Epic Hiking, Climbing Rock, and Death Camp

We’ve been on the move. Some very nice days in Utah. We were up as high as Ten Thousand feet near Cedar Breaks and down to Zion and one of the most amazing campsites ever. I finally got an image that did our secret view justice. Stay tuned for that. Nathan and I even hiked the Subway. 8 miles of grueling labor but the stunning scenery was more than an ample reward. The goods and footage are coming soon from that effort.

Nest we headed down through Vegas. We stayed most of the next day, but we didn’t touch the slots. We ran errands and did some rock climbing with a guy we met while looking around REI. It was really cool and we geared up a bit so we can climb on our own.

Next up was Death Valley. We camped on the ruins of an old trailer park on some BLM land just outside the park. Since it was so close we affectionately called it death camp. Desolation abounds, but so do interesting things. We spent a couple days there and now we’re moving on to Yosemite as we come into the final week on the road. Photographics is coming out beautifully and I have a selection of grand images that will make this trip well worth the effort.

Sondra Seim and kids
Sondra and the kids with me at sunset in Death valley. It’s a desolate place, but there is much beauty here.
We went climbing with an off duty promoted we met at REI. That promoted us to go out and buy some gear of out own. Good times.
We went climbing with an off duty Policeman we met at REI. That prompted us to go out and buy some gear of our own. Good times.
Zion hike, subway
Nathan rolling some stunning footage during a long hike. What a beautiful area.
Gavin Seim Shoes Tree
The shoe tree along US 50 in Utah. Apparently it’s a thing.
Gavin Seim truck
The great new sign on the tailgate. Just so people know who we are. 😉
Cedar Breaks Camping
Camped at 10,500 ft near Cedar Breaks. Neat area, but it was a bit cooler.

Day 8-16 The Wild Wandering Color: It’s been a good week. We’ve moved from Idaho, to Utah, to Nevada and Back to Utah. The color has been soothing to the busy mind and the filming we’ve been able to do in these locations is nothing short of stunning. We’ve pulled hours of footage in some of the most beautiful places on earth.

We’re catching up on email and supplies and then we’ll head into Cedar Breaks for some new views. After that, off to Zion, then down through Vegas to swing up to Death Valley and Yosemite NP. We’re about halfway through and the results are looking good.

here's a fun outtake from the filming we were doing up in the hills. Sometimes you can't help yourself.
Here’s a fun outtake from the filming we were doing up in the hills. Sometimes you can’t help yourself. You can pre-order the film here.
The secret is for the parent not to enter a situation whereby the children can see the playground from the car window. Once this happens the parent has few options for escape.
The secret is for the parent not to enter a situation whereby the children can see the playground from the car window. Once this happens the parent has few options for escape.
Nathan working hard as we film up on the Nebo loop.
Nathan working hard as we film up on the Nebo loop.
We found wild Ephedra Viridis which makes a great tea. The kids were having a blast.
We found wild Ephedra Viridis which makes a great tea. The kids were having a blast.


A free camp up in Great Basin National park. A little hidden gem in Nevada that's quite stunning.
A free camp up in Great Basin National park. A little hidden gem in Nevada that’s quite stunning.


Day 6 – 8. Braking Bad: We we made it down into Utah and camped at a favorite spot up by Ogden. You can see it on the maps.

Then we headed down to Salt lake area. Now along the way I realized that something as seriously wrong with the brakes on the camper. It was barely grabbing and that’s not a good feeling on those steep Utah hills. We parked at the Cabelas lot in Lehi and tore into them.

It’s taken us a few days of running for parts, but being in a big city helped. It was shot, drums scoured, magnets worn to wire. We totally replaced the entire brake system on all 4 tires and should be ready to roll in the morning with beautiful grippy brakes.

While in town I picked up some other parts for the Super Camper and ran some errands, including a trip to Picture Line in Salt Lake where I dropped them a copy of the EXposed workshop to consider carrying in the store.

We also just released a brand new image from Idaho. Check it out. Tomorrow we move on and see what the open road brings.

Side 1 torn down. It's not as hard as it look. Replaced the entire system for about $400. We're talking backing plates, drums and all.
Side 1 torn down. It’s not as hard as it look. Replaced the entire system for about $400. We’re talking backing plates, drums and all.

Day 2-5 – It’s been a great ride already. We covered a good deal of miles and made it into far Idaho (from where I live, that’s SE Idaho). We’ll head down into Utah soon. We have two vehicles in our little caravan and we have been roaming all over. We left the interstate and found some Fall color in the Idaho highlands. We went up to Craters of The Moon monument and the stunning desolation that was there. Gavin even nearly got arrested in an encounter where he filmed a traffic stop and would not back down. It actually got a lot of news coverage. Some agree, some do not. But we can all agree that there’s nothing like a great American road trip.

We have have camped out in WalMart lots for the first few nights, but now we're fining the color. This stunning free campspot up by Bigwood river in ID gave us some great views and we pulled form neat footage for PHOTOGRAPHICS.
We have camped out in WalMart lots for the first few nights, but now we’re finding the color. This stunning free camp spot up by Big Wood River in South Idaho gave us some great views and we pulled some neat footage for PHOTOGRAPHICS.


Stunning textural lava flows at Craters of The Moon.
Stunning textural lava flows at Craters of The Moon.
We drove up to Creators of the Moon National Monument. It was truly a grand piece of barren desolation. But due to our lovley goverment shitting down it was closed. We managed to go back down the road and walk in from a pullout. Got some good visuals.
We drove up to Craters of the Moon National Monument. It was truly a grand piece of barren desolation. But due to our lovely government shutting down it was closed. We managed to go back down the road and walk in from a pullout. Got some good visuals.

Day 1

Loaded and ready. We did not hot the road tille about 6PM, but we drove none the less making it to a wal mart parking lot on Pendleton Oregon the first night. The secenmey will get better ;)
Loaded and ready on 10/7/11. We did not hit the road until about 6PM, but we drove none the less, making it to a Walmart parking lot in Pendleton, Oregon the first night. The scenery will get better 😉



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September 18, 2013


It’s our first hardware design and it’s been a long time coming. We hope you’ll help us spread the word. – We’ve been working continually on it for about 9 months and now it has launched on Kickstarter. The SPEEDCinema is a versatile camera motion dolly for video and time lapse work.

It’s a portable 3 in 1 Slider/Rail/Dolly system for video & time lapse work that features an EXPANDABLE rail system and unique a reconfigurable design.

Check it out on Kickstarter – Watch the video, get on board and help spread the word.

A portable SPEEDTube kit starts at $159 for Kickstarter backers and complete dolly kits with wheels and mounts start at just $298. The project needs to raise 25k in funding to go into production.

This is a system that’s been a long time and coming and it does something no other system we’ve seen has offered. It can be as long or short as you want, travels anywhere and configures for nearly any situation.

You can check it out on Kickstarter and download the media kit here. Please help us spread the word.


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August 2, 2013

These have been over 6 years in the making. Ever since Lightroom 1 I’ve been refining our ultimate presets collection. I could not be prouder of Power Workflow 4. It’s at a whole new level, taking advantage of the best Lightroom has to offer and putting more control at our fingertips. Power Workflow 3 served us well for 3 years but it’s time to move up. Behold, Power Workflow 4. It’s been a long time coming and you won’t be disappointed… Gav

Get them here.

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