by Gavin Seim. Updated 05/2012:
I enjoy quick bursts of information and chat frequently as @gavinseim on twitter. I’ve made this list of my favorite tips that I plan to update it going forward. You can add your favorite and tips in the comments with your twitter name. I might even RT them myself.
I give credit to the speaker when I can, using names in parenthesis. Many of these are my own musings from Twitter and I’ve indicated myself with an (S). If there’s no name then I probably don’t know the source. These are not always exact quotes, but ideas I’ve re-formed to fit in under 140 characters on Twitter
Random Things:
- Every image needs a subject. Just one. If it has less or more, than that it’s probably time to reboot. (S)
- Presentation is as much part of a photo as the image itself. An image on a disk means little to the world. A well presented wall piece does. (S)
- Don’t wait for the photo establishment to show you how to stand out. Because if you do, you won’t (S)
- The line between a snapshot and a quality photograph are lost when everyone is a “photographer” but have not actually learned to be one! (S)
- I’m not afraid to change my opinion, but I am afraid of not having one. (S)
- Competition. A powerful tool that makes you stronger. Complaints about it are often cop outs from photographers not motivated enough to excel (S)
- In photography rules mean conformity, and to conform is the opposite of creativity. (Whitmire)
- Be Positive. It’s not just a blood type. (S)
- Each time I think I’m really good, I learn that I’m not as great as I thought. Then I actually start getting really good (S)
- Always do the best you can with what you have, but always push yourself to the next level. (S)
- As photographers we often overlook the power of just practicing. It’s like giving ourselves our own workshop for free. (S)
- Photography is painting with light. So if light is paint, why do we spend more time pressing buttons than mixing our paint? (S)
- It’s not the location you take your photos in. It’s the photos you take in your location. Anything can be a good background. (S)
- Being edgy is cool until everyone is doing it. Then it’s not edgy. It’s just boring and usually annoying. (S)
- Every really good photograph I manage to make is a class in making the next one. (S)
Posing n more:
- Portraits. Guys tilt the head towards the low shoulder = macho. Girls tilt head towards high shoulder = pretty (Celentano)
- Bridal Portraits, Hold that bouquet on the hip to look thinner. Hands (and bouquets) held in front from make the bride look bigger. (Celentano)
- Group portrait. Just before the shot have everyone lift up their shoulders and lean towards the center. (Celentano)
- Portrait Tip: Look for triangles in your group poses. Use bodies, sitting, head position etc to form triangles. (Celentano)
- If posture pose and light is correct it does not matter where the camera sits. The pose is still set. (Gardener)
- Posing tip: If it bends, bend it. Play around with joints, elbows, fingers, everything.
- Posing tip: Leave some open space between those bent elbows and the waist. Helps make your subject slim n trim. (S)
- Don’t over pose the subjects in your groups. Their not solders, their free people. (Whitmire)