June 1, 2007

The Professional Photography Show Flickr Group continues to grow and grow. We now have 200 members! I would like to welcome and thank all of you who have recently joined up with us.

If you are new to Flickr and have any questions, start up a discussion topic and I’m sure our memebers would be glad to help. Be sure to keep posting new images when you can. It is really fun to see what the group has been shooting lately. Don’t hesitate to ask for constructive criticism on your images if you are looking for feedback on such things as lighting, posing, composition, etc.

Dennis “Dz”

DZ Photography

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May 31, 2007

Well you Uh… 3D Warehouse fans are now in luck! Adobe Just Announced a CS3 Extended Plugin for Google 3D Warehouse that you can download free over at Adobe Labs.

In all seriousness though most of us think Google Earth is really cool, and if you like making buildings for it this is probably for you. So what are you waiting for? Go make some buildings and get them.


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May 22, 2007

Scott Kelby’s new Lightroom Seminar had Tom Hogarty (Lightroom Product Manager) as a guest. He showed the audience some new features that will be coming in the upgrade.

Here is what Scott Kelby had to say:

“Here’s a quick rundown of what Tom showed the crowd:

He showed how you can now easily export one library of photos (now called “catalogs”) and import that catalog into an existing library (perfect for people who work on a laptop on location, then need to merge these photos with their desktop studio machine).

The “Keyword Stamper” has evolved into a much more useful tool, which now lets “Spray” (rather than individually stamping, so it’s much faster), anything from keywords to Develop settings, or rotation settings. This totally wow’d everybody when they saw it in action.

Version 1.1 brings order to your presets and templates as these sections now have folders, so you can easily separate your custom presets and imported presets and templates from the default sets.
But the big, big hit of his presentation was definitely the new Sharpening panel, which pretty much blew everybody away, especially when used with the new Clarity control. This brought cheers from the crowd, which were only matched by Tom’s announcement that Adobe was making this update available for free!!! (we don’t have an official release date, other than “it’s coming soon). “

Credit: (Kelby, Scott http://www.scottkelby.com/blog/)

So as you can see we are all in for a great treat when the upgrade is released. Oh, and the upgrade is FREE… so that’s going to be great.

Read the full story on Scott Kelby’s Blog.

Read more about the Lightroom Seminar here.

Until Next Time,

Jarrod Michael

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May 22, 2007

12 megapixels, a Leica lens, 3.6 optical zoom and an optical image stabilizer. What more could you ask for? How about wide screen HD video? Yep it’s got that too!

It’s not a DSLR, but many pro’s would agree that having a great point and shoot around is an real asset. The sophisticated Panasonic Lumix DMC-FX100 brings many great features to the table, and looks good to top it off. Check out all the details over at Let’s Go Digital


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May 15, 2007

The ExpoDisc; A White Balance Tool

Photo of ExpoDisc

If any of you wanted to learn about this VERY COOL white balance tool, the people over at ShutterBug has just released a review.

Click here for the review.

Until next time,

Jarrod Michael

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