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Photomatic 2.5 update is now available. Prosoft is now offering Data Backup PC. Alien Skin has mac intel universal updates for their plug ins.
HD photo is being considered for adoption by the jpeg committee. makes 3d photo montages. They look really cool, but are very expensive.
OneOne Software Plug in Suite 3 review at time index… 18:30
You can sign up for the PPS photographer link exchange here, and the SEO adviser is a great place to learn hot to get search engine ranking for your site. You can also find it on itunes.
There are lots of companies that make camera bags. Tamrac is my favorite brand, and Loewpro is another popular one. For on the go shooting take a look at the Modular accessory belt, and the accessories like this lens case
that attach to it. Also the Velocity 9
series shoulder pack a favorite of some shooters.
We also talked about some of my favorite wedding photography and posing books. You can find them on the PPS store books category.
[tags]photography, professional, photoshop, news, adobe, seo, one, one, plugins[/tags]