October 24, 2009


by Gavin Seim: I just hosted the first “Incredible HDR” (high dynamic range) photo workshop in Central Washington. It was an intimate three day class of six, with attendees from as far as London, so we had plenty of one on one time. The images they made were amazing. I’m really proud of the students and the creative results they produced during the workshop. We covered everything from how to capture HDR portraits, to final edits, controlling light and presentation.

I believe one of the most important parts of good HDR is knowing how to edit it. There’s a lot of really ugly HDR because photographers don’t understand what their dealing with and how to make something magical from it. Going further however I want to remind those playing with HDR that the rules of photography do not go away because a photo is HDR. Interesting subject matter, composition and attention to detail are all very important factors in a great image. The students at this workshop were from varied experience levels but I think every one of them got it and took home something valuable.

I’ll post a few images from students below as well as a few of my own I took during excursions. It seems every time I teach something, I learn something new myself. If you’re interested in learning more about my HDR workshops you can find info here on Seim Effects.


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October 21, 2009

by Gavin Seim: Adobe is taking things up a notch once again. Lightroom 3 will bring lots of revamped and new features that should keep it’s current user base happy and continue to bring Lightroom converts into their fold.

Export HD video slodeshows with music.
Export HD video sideshows with music.

Yep, it just went into public beta and is available for everyone as a free download that stays active until April of 2010, so presumably the retail version will be out near then. The beta does not support upgrading of LR2 catalogs however. Obviously the final version will, but for now it’s still in the feedback stage so you’ll have to make a fresh catalog to use it.

Resource Links.

Lightroom 3 will bring major architecture changes under the hood to help speed things up and run faster, but also a host of new features and perhaps even more when the final version ships. Here’s a few quick and dirty screenshots, musings and details on whats new.

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October 18, 2009

by Gavin Seim. Most of you who use my tools know that Lightroom is a big part of my system. I’ve put together a new workshop which I presented for the first time in October at the PPW conference. It’s a relaxed fun workshop where newbies learn the Lighrtoom ropes and veterans learn lots of new new tricks.

Learning is a huge part of what we do, so I also set up a new tab on the sites for my upcoming learning tools and workshops. Sometime a these will be multi day events in specific locations, but some like Lightroom Power will be a single day presentation that any group, organization or conference can bring me out to present at their event anywhere in the world.

At some point I may take this workshop on a tour as well. I’m also considering the possibility of doing a live online workshop. I have to look into the possibilities. You can follow the Seim Effects FB page for updates or join the newsletter. Visit the page for more workshop details.

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October 18, 2009

by Gavin Seim. My new Lightroom Power workshop just launched and is available for groups organizations and conferences. It’s a fun relaxed single day session that I’m looking forward to taking abroad.

I’m also considering the possibility of doing a live online workshop. I have to look into the possibilities. I won’t blather on. If you’re interested in learning more, heres the page on Seim Effects.

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October 14, 2009

sima-video-lightI’ve mentioned the Sima SL-20LX on the show before, but I thought it deserved it’s own gadget of the week award. I seriously love this little light. At only about $35 on Amazon it’s a great buy. There’s even an infrared version.

It’s actually a video light. About two inches square and has thirty six LED’s and a built in rechargeable battery that will run it for about 30 min. You can place it on a hotshoe, just set it somewhere, or even hold it in the palm of your hand. The slots on the other three sides can also accept a shoe mounts from other lights so you can build a larger panel. It even includes a bracket so you can have it off to one side on your camera.

Bottom line. This little continuous light rocks. It’s cheap, solid and small and stays cool. One of them is enough for close light of a face. It’s also amazing for macro shots where you need to brighten or add soft but dimensional light. I use it all the time for ring shots at weddings.

No, it’s not going to replace your speedlights or strobes for large lighting large areas, but it’s a great little tool to have in your kit that you may soon wounder how you managed without it.


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