November 27, 2008

I wish you all, wherever you are, a Happy Thanksgiving. Thanks for being a part of Pro Photo Show, and helping us build this community over the past two years. It’s come a long way.

I’m also thankful for my great family, and the amazing world God has put around me to photograph. Life is not always perfect, but there’s always something to be thankful for… Gavin Seim


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November 26, 2008

Kerry over on Camera Dojo just posted a nice article video about adding watermarks and even your own logo from a PSD files to images as you export them.

Sadly Lightroom’s built in functionality for this is very limeted even in LR2. Using the Lightroom Mogrify plugin you can gain fill contoll over putting your mark on images. Head over an take a look at the video.

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November 25, 2008

For Adobe users (that would be most of us) Camera RAW 5.2 is now available. I don’t always post about releases like this, but this has some significance due it’s it’s RAW support for certain newer cameras including.

  • Canon EOS 5D Mark II
  • Canon PowerShot G10
  • Panasonic DMC-LX3

There’s others as well, but a lot of folks will be glad to see that these models are now supported. I expect my LX3 tomorrow, and a 5D MK II… well as soon as it comes (hopefully soon)

There’s are a few more minor updates. John Knack posted some details on his blog. I just wanted to spread the word. Download it for Windows here and Macintosh here.

Gavin Seim

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November 21, 2008

>>Listen To Pro Photo Show #52

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Host Gavin Seim: Seim Studios
Special Guest: Rick Sammon

Show notes

This week we talk about nature, travel and general photography tips with Rick Sammon. Rick travels all over the world for photography workshops and has written 30 books in his career as a photographer.

The Pro Photo Show Winter contest has begun. Enter now.

Rick Sammon workshops are coming all over the world.

Rick uses Photomatix for his HDR. You can use promo code PPS15 to save 15%

Aperture for general post processing.

Rick uses magic tricks from Tannen’s Magic in New York.

Rick uses the Wescott stand and diffuser for his flashes.

Seim Effects and the new PW2 LR presets.

Gavin’s HDR portrait gallery.

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November 20, 2008

Check Out My HDR Portraits Gallery:

Those of you who follow my work, know that I love HDR (High Dynamic Range) photography. I’m especially fond of pushing the limits, with HDR portrait, wedding and other non standard uses. I started experimenting with HDR people shots in 2007. I also use it for nearly all of my nature work.

I have a bunch of favorites, and have finally compiled them onto one page on the Seim Photography site. If you’re intersted in HDR stop by and maybe you’ll get some ideas. I know I’m not the only one shooting HDR however. If you know of other great HDR, share them in the comments... Gavin Seim

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