May 16, 2008

US Orphan Works ActDo I have your attention? I hope so!

The Orphan Works Act of 2008 will take away the automatic protection that artists now have. Currently in the US if you take a picture, or make a piece of art you automatically own the copyright, and before someone uses of for their own purpose they have to obtain/purchase rights from you.

In essence the new law makes so that to retain copyright, you have to have it registered in a database (yep every image), and if it’s not found in the database the the person who wants to use it, then that work may be freely copied. They will do this by developing huge private certified software databases.

Soooo… every image you have ever created must be registered for you to retain copyright! That’s billions of photographs. Since that will never happen and all those photographers will instantly loose copyright protection.

If this passes, the government becomes steward of copyright, you essentially loose copyright to every image you have ever created, and all past, current and future work comes under the control of government. All it does is make stealing copyright really really easy.

Take Action… You can go to this site for specific details on the bill. You can also email your senators automatically right from the page as well.

by Gavin Seim
Thanks to Michael
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May 15, 2008

I love my Hollywood Effects actions and use them all the time, but I’m working on a brand new set, not to replace Hollywood, but to accent it.

With all the amazing glows and fantasy effects in H.E. I’ve ben thinking it’s time for some cool effects that are basic and down to earth. The new Photographer Essentials actions won’t be a huge set, but it’s going to have some really cool effects that you can use everyday.

The development of the set is in progress. Stay tuned for updates, and if you have something you’ll like to see in this set throw me a comment… Gav

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May 14, 2008

church interior

As the wedding photographer, we tend to be one of the first ones to arrive at the church or other such ceremony locations the morning of the wedding. This first usually involves finding the one unlocked door to get into the building followed by walking into a dark and very quiet sanctuary. This can be both refreshing and creepy at the same time. One of the advantages of being one of the first ones to arrive at the church is that you get your pick of the best locations to shoot from.

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May 5, 2008

<<Click To Listen – Pro Photo Show #45

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Show notes
Pro Photo Show #45 Forum Discussion
Today we talk about getting started in a photography genre, staying inspired and creative, plus taking and giving great feedback. There’s even a little ventriloquism right at the end.

Lightroom 2 Get it here! Canon 1D III series firmware updates. The Canon Powershot G9 for on the go shooting.

Also you can find some good Wedding Photography Books on Amazon, and you can go to for Gavin’s Presets and Actions

Pick of the week…
Neat Image Noise Reduction

Lastly, here’s a picture of the Honeybee taken with Gavin’s Powershot G9


Oh wait not the last. Here’s a picture of Ace. He really needs an updated portrait!
Ace the Do Do Photographer

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April 30, 2008


Do you find yourself falling back on the same outdoor location to shoot your engagement sessions? Even worse, do you do the same two poses on the same boring backdrops in your studio? Do all of your engagement sessions closely resemble one another? One of the easiest ways to break out of this rut is to shoot a couple’s engagement session at the location they got engaged at. Not only is it a new location for you, these images will mean so much more to your clients.

Now it’s true some of the locations your clients got engaged at won’t be reasonable to travel to for a quick photo session. If that’s the case, why not suggest doing the session at the place they first met? If all else fails, find out what the couple’s interests are and go from there. What do they like to do in their spare time? Do they have any similar hobbies? Say they let on that they love riding bikes together around a particular lake or park. Perhaps they frequent the same coffee shop and sit at the very same table every Saturday afternoon. Maybe you discover the couple is really big into taxidermy…awkward. Hey, I never said you wouldn’t end up in some pretty weird places, just not your “safe & comfy” locations you tend to favor!

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