March 18, 2008

As a photographer in the USA I’ve had more than one instance of people trying to bully me because I had a pro level camera. The worst offenders have been security guards.

If you’ve ever been in the situation you know what I mean, and if not you should be prepared. You get treated like your a criminal, they threaten to take away your gear etc.

Of course of you are standing on private property you can be asked to leave and are required to do so, but DID YOU KNOW that in most cases even a police officer can’t take away your camera without a court order? After some hassles I decided to look into it some years back, and there’s even a book called The Legal Handbook for Photographers that I picked up. It goes in depth into these issues, but if you just want the basics heres some places to start.

Photojojo just wrote a great article outlining photographer rights so check it out here. Most of the info info came from a lawyer named Bert Krages who wrote the afore mentioned book. He also has a PDF called The Photographers Right that outlines the basic rights. I suggest you downland that and keep in in your bag should you ever have a confrontation.

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March 17, 2008

Wanting to go pro, but haven’t made the jump? Check out this article from Eric Hamilton Photography where ho talks gives his thoughts for shooting what you love and making a living doing it.

Photo By Gavin Seim

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March 17, 2008

It seems that Adobe released their version 1.4 a bit prematurely. They have pulled 1.4 from their site, and recommend that you you delete it, and reinstall the previous 1.31 version.

It seems there are some big in the release that cause some metadata information to get messed up, as well as some other things that are not too good!

Rather than write it all out here you can read the details on LR news.

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March 15, 2008

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Show Notes…
PPS #43 Forum Discussion. Post your action pics here too!

this discussion starts at time index 30:31

Cnets Aperture Poll caused a stir, Polaroid dies, the HDR blog Reviewed Mircosoft HD Photo format & Lightroom 1.4 is available

Kodak 35mm SLR rumors (correction, these are film cameras not digital) Nikon trumps Canon in ISO & Canon 5D MK II is rumored.

Gavin Seim is on Facebook and Twitter, and Power Workflow Lightroom Presets are now RAW & JPEG compatible.

Reviewed… Lensbabies review at time index 20:02 I think it’s not for everything, but cool. We also talked about the Canon Pro 9000

Pick of the week was Braketeer, an easy HDR photo merging software for Mac.

Freeze action milk drop

Race Car Pan
Images by Gavin Seim

Podcast subscription feed is

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March 12, 2008

canon_eos_5d_large.jpgSee This Newer Post for up to date info on the 5D release date:

Someone over on the DP Review forums claims that the Canon EOS 5d MKII, also rumored as the EOS 7D ( ya we know Canon tends makes names complex) should be announced toward the end of April.

Note that he does not give his source for obvious reasons, and we can in no way confirm this, so it’d just rumor at this point. It does stand to reason that Canon will be replacing the popular 5D this year, and also working catch up with Nikon in the ISO department (we hope)

A few cool specs include…

  • – 15.3 MP full frame CMOS sensor (vastly improved light-gathering capacity per pixel: improved micro lenses; miniaturized micro circuitry; enhanced signal/noise ratio)
  • – Weather sealing same as 1Ds Mark III
  • – ISO 12800 (C.F. up to 25600)
  • – All-new 29-point TTL CMOS sensor with 12 cross-type for F/2.8 or faster lens (35% faster than 40D)
  • – Live View, and more…

Now this all sounds pretty exciting, but as always time will tell. This has been anticipated for sometime, and we’re waiting Canon.

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