August 5, 2007

vest1.jpgA Recent article on PDN Online brought to our attention a topic worth discussing. It seems that security for the NFL is requiring photographers to wear safety vests. This seems like a reasonable rule, until you find out that the vest you have to wear bears advertising logos for canon, and Reebok. Now I myself am a Canon fan, but nobody better tell me to wear a billboard for them unless they plan on paying me for that advertising.

“Whether working on behalf of a news/sports organization or as a freelancer, this new requirement is a violation of the most basic ethical standards in journalism,” said a letter to the NFL signed by NPPA president Tony Overman, a photographer at The Olympian in Washington state. “In the spirit of mutual respect and cooperation I urge you to reconsider this ill-conceived policy.”

Photographers at a recent Major League Soccer match were recently forced to wear similar advertising vests. It seems that it is becoming an annoying, and disturbing trend. It’s not so much that having a logo on your vest is bad, but as a professional, being forced to wear advertising for a company is rather insulting. One has to wounder if the reason behind the vests has nothing to do with safety, and everything to do with money.

Some photographer are putting tape over the ads, and whether you like the brand or not this sounds like the perfect way to protest this nonsense. If an industry allows itself to be pushed around it will only get worse. Contrariwise however when people take a little bit of a stand, it can go a long ways. To learn more read the entire article at PDN. As well as an article on the subject from NPPA.

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August 5, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS #35, Photo News, Email, and On One Plug in Suite 3 Review
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Show Notes…

Photomatic 2.5 update is now available. Prosoft is now offering Data Backup PC. Alien Skin has mac intel universal updates for their plug ins.

HD photo is being considered for adoption by the jpeg committee. makes 3d photo montages. They look really cool, but are very expensive.

OneOne Software
Plug in Suite 3 review at time index… 18:30

You can sign up for the PPS photographer link exchange here, and the SEO adviser is a great place to learn hot to get search engine ranking for your site. You can also find it on itunes.

There are lots of companies that make camera bags. Tamrac is my favorite brand, and Loewpro is another popular one. For on the go shooting take a look at the Modular accessory belt, and the accessories like this lens case that attach to it. Also the Velocity 9 series shoulder pack a favorite of some shooters.

We also talked about some of my favorite wedding photography and posing books. You can find them on the PPS store books category.

[tags]photography, professional, photoshop, news, adobe, seo, one, one, plugins[/tags]

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August 4, 2007

Well somone from DPReview claims to have gotten some shots of the new Canon 40D that we’re all expecting, but has not oficially been born yet.


This according to a post over on Engadget, is supposed to be the new camera.

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August 3, 2007

Kinda like Gas, pay more, get less!! Adobe raises cost of Creative Suite tech support from $249.00, to $1600.00

armandleg.jpgSo today we bring up the topic of tech support. Many of us, who know the Adobe Creative Suite like the back of our mouse, may not think about support that much. The fact is however that Adobe support gives customers (especially ones who are in the learning stages) a lifeline to help them avoid countless hours of stress attempting to figure out small little nuances of the program they are working in. A quick call to Adobe support and problems like this can often be solved in minutes.

A year and a half ago some buyers would choose adobe over Macromedia because to put it simple Macromedia robbed us blind for support, and Adobe offered a year of support for the entire creative suite for around $250.00. Sure it was an expense, but well worth it if you often found yourself stumped when trying to solve a problem. I myself made good use of support when I was learning Go Live, and though it should not be described as perfect, it was a good overall experience, and a valuable resource. I even knew some support reps by name.

Today the scene has changed, and we find that there is no longer Macromedia. It seems that it makes things easier for Adobe now that there is a lack of competition. Virtually none to be exact. So in a gesture of “growth” Adobe has decided to take up where Macromedia left off. For the new Adobe, the wave of the future is to… ROB YOU BLIND FOR SUPPORT.

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August 2, 2007

The HD Photo file format from Microsoft is starting to get some attention, and according to an article over on ars technica the format is being looked at for standardization by the Jpeg committee. No we didn’t know there was a committee for jpegs either, but hey someones gotta do it.

Anyways if the format is adopted it will be called JpegXR in stead of HDPhoto. Another format that’s been around for awhile, but never been picked up in earnest is JPEG2000. It’s capable of many of the same capabilities as HD Photo, but the HD Photo requires significantly less computer resources power and decompresses significantly faster which we really like, and could get the ball rolling.

A few bottom lines here. The current Jpeg format is getting a bit long in the tooth so may be getting about time for something fresh. To really take off however it will need to become standard in the cameras we shoot with. This may happen, but it’s not likely to be here real soon.

The Jpeg committee has already started the standardization process, and the voting will last thru October of this year. For the whole scoop shoot on over to ars techinca for more details. You can also find out more about things that are going on by visiting the Jpeg committee website.

[tags]format, files, jpegxr, xr, 2000, jpeg[/tags] Gavin Seim 2007

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