June 28, 2007

Pentax k100D Super

Pentax has announced an update for their entry-level DSLR. Not exactly a new model, but rather the K100D updated to SUPER! This updated model has a senor cleaning technology, and full compatibility with Pantax’s higher end lens offerings. And like the previous model it has built in anti shake, and that’s cool in any language.

The K100D Super still is only running at 6.1 mpx, but then again I took many a great wedding photo’s with a 6.1 in the not so distant past. It sports a 2.4″ lcd screen, and iso settings up to 3200. As to how it handles noise at that level…. we’ll have to leave that to the comments from future owners.

It’s not the Tajma Hall of cameras, but coming out in Aug for around 5 bills (hundred that is) is may be worth taking a look at for those in the market for an entry level SLR.

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June 27, 2007

If you haven’t fired up Adobe Photoshop Lightroom yet today, you might want to. Version 1.1 is now available for download. For more info on the new features read Jarrod’s post about the sneak peak of 1.1 given at Scott Kelby’s Seminar. Check it out!

DZ Photography

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June 15, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS #33 Album Print & Bind Companies and Options Audiocast

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Album Print, Bind, & Supply Company Resource Guide. (Also see) Part1 – PPS #32 Album Design Software
Here’s the notes from the show on all the Print, Bind, & Design companies we talked about. Go to their sites and see all the trends and traditions to see what suites youe style best.

Asuka Book is a popular coffee table style album, and you can also find similar albums from WHCC, Digi Labs, & Illumina books from Apollo, as well as one I forgot to mention, Millers Press.
Some popular flush mount storybook albums include that have lots of options include PictoBooks, Zookbinders, and Some neat styles from Laguna Albums who also offers design services.
More simple flush mount storybooks albums include Black Tie albums from H&H, and the new kid on the block, Kiss Wedding Books who also has some great simple style.

Graphi Studios offer some really large sizes, and even metallic pages in their unique storyboard type designs, but you’ll have to pay for the elegance.

Some options in the more traditional covers, and mat pages include Art Leather, and Wooden Nickel who have many styles available and can send you printed information. Also check out Leather Craftsman which offer some beautiful covers, though a bit more high end. Note that these companies also have flush mount styles as well. Also check out JLee albums. They are basic, but handcrafted and a reasonable price

As for smaller albums, and proof albums you might check out Rice Studio Supply, for their peel and stick wallet albums, and their Quick Stick Album Also the Together Book will take your 4×6 prints, and put a hardbound cover on them

Some more consumer oriented choices of coffe table books that are less expensive, but not usually as feature rich include MyPublisher, Photoworks.com, & Printmyphotobook.com.

Have fun looking at all the options. Here’s a few sample images…


Graphi Studios

Asuka Books

Other Show Notes…
Mike emailed asked about software to make DVD slideshows, and I recommended iphoto, and idvd for the Mac, and Pro Show Gold for the PC. Show it web was also mentioned, but for online slideshows. They do offer a DVD making service from the show it slideshows, but it’s not cheap.

Best… Gavin Seim

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June 13, 2007

Nikon ??

The facts are not yet in, but with D3 rumors floating in the winds, it seems that Engadget recently got some information from an newspaper editor, who got his information from an unspecified source, that Nikon is preparing a camera that will put Canon to Shame.

Now us Canon fans don’t expect Canon to be blown away anytime soon, but we’ll let you be the judge for now, and if this thing really comes out, then we’ll all know. Hopefully more details will emerge later this month so stay tuned. Click here for the engadget post

Will Nikon kick Canon? Will Canon shoot back? Will other Dslr’s take over the market? … The Saga continues

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June 11, 2007

Hello again photo world, and sorry for the down time here on PPS. Things seem to be back to normal, and we hope they stay that way. Thanks for putting up with the problems. At this point everything should be working, but if you have any trouble please feel free to let us know prophotoshow@gmail.com

The PPS team

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