December 23, 2006

PPS Show #16 (Raw & The Bridge) – MP3

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Skype = theprophotoguy
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Show Notes…

In the mailbag listener Keith had some neat comments about raw, and also a format call .dng (Digital Negative) He mentioned the DNG converter, and you can get that free from adobe for Windows or Macintosh. There was also a question from greg about reasoanly priced 3d pano tripod heads. It seems that Manfrotto offers some in their 300 series, but they still cost a fair penny

In the news this week we talked a bit more about PS CS3 beta, so if your on a Mac and haven’t gotten it yet you’ll want to check it out. You can pick it up at the Adobe Labs Website
Also Kevin Kubota just released his latest action set called Artistic Tools Volume 3

In the tips this week I mentioned fellow photographer David Jay’s software site as well a really neat pack of Adobe Camera Raw presets called Brilliant Bridge Settings

Pick of the week this week is for their reasonably priced canvas wraps, as well as lots of other neat stuff .

I think that about covers it for this week.
Merry Christmas… Gavin

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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December 16, 2006

PPS Show #15 (Raw & The Bridge) – MP3Podcast subscription feed is
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Voicemail Line = 206-666-2074
Skype = theprophotoguy

Subscribe or review in itunes ~ Vote in Podcast Alley

Show Notes…
Se we kicked things off this week with the big news about the public beta version of Adobe Photoshop CS3. You can get that download free if you own CS2 by going to the Adobe Labs Website I also mentioned that NAAP has put together some great videos to get you started with CS3, and show you the newest features.
We also had a review of Photo Frame Pro from On One Software, and it’s defiantly worth checking out. Plus they have a sale that runs to the end of the year.

Also Alien Skin Software has offer discounts to PPS liteners that can be found by going to the Alien Skin/PPS discounts page

In the mailbag listener Ken told us about the Expo Disk, and that it really saves time with white balance.

In our weekly tips I mentioned Photoshop, and Bridge keyboard shortcuts, so here are those links.
Bridge Shortcuts — MacWindows
Photoshop Shortcuts — MacWindows
I also mentioned that if you don’t want to remember all the shortcuts you can make it easy by getting an Xkeys

Pick of the week this episode was the Adobe Exchange where you can fine lots of free action presets and more for Photoshop and all the other Adobe applications.

That should do it for this week, catch ya soon… Gavin

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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December 15, 2006

Update… CS3 beta is officially available for download…

The beta version of Adobe Photoshop CS3 has just been released. You can download it from the Adobe Labs site This is especially welcome by users of the intel Mac systems, as it will run natively on them for much better performance.

You will need a valid CS2 serial number to get the beta. I am having some trouble with my Creative suite premium serial, but I will find out whats up and keep you all posted.
I have heard rumors that the actual download will; not be available till Friday, but I can confirm it yet since I having trouble with my CS Premium number. Give it a try

Also I as we talked about on the last show, I have a PPS discount for Alien Skin products. We’ll talk about it on this weeks episode but I just wanted to post it up for you now so you can save some money


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December 9, 2006

PPS Show #14 (Alien Skin) – MP3Podcast subscription feed is
email =
Voicemail Line = 206-666-2074
Skype = theprophotoguy

Subscribe or review in itunes ~ Vote in Podcast Alley

Show Notes…
This week we started off by reading a few emails in regards to our recent Raw shooting discussion, as well a a quick tip in camera lighting using a shutter lag. For more on location lighting check out Episode #9.
After that we had a great interview with plug in developer Alien Skin and talked about their latest offerings.
Next weeks show will bring a revamp of the show, and we’ll also have a promo code for alien skin, and a chance to win some software.

That about does it for this week, Stay tuned for some exciting changes… Gavin

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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December 2, 2006

PPS Show #13 – MP3Podcast subscription feed is
email =
Voicemail Line = 206-666-2074
Skype = theprophotoguy

Subscribe or review in itunes ~ Review in Podcast Alley

Show Notes…
This week I talked about some news regarding the up and coming release of Adobe Photoshop CS3 . I found some info over at Think Secret that gives some details. Other than that the show pretty much covers it in out discussion of me switching to raw, and talking about some low light shooting techniques.

I plan on talking more about shooting techniques, and situation in future shows as I think we can all use them. Also I plan on working out some way for us all to post images online for each other to view.
Have a great week… Gav

~Gavin Seim Photography~
Washington wedding & senior portrait photography. Ephrata, Moses Lake, Wenatchee, Spokane, Seattle, Kent, Leavenworth, Sequim, Bellevue Winthrop

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