December 4, 2024

Film and darkroom processes do make you think more about your photographer. But are they the right tools for improving especially for beginners? Probably not! But there’s a viable alternative.

You can also get the free Filmist presets here to see real film tones in your edits. Also actions like Emulsion were created based on darkroom processes.

Film has made a big comeback in the past few years as people tire of fakery and Ai and want more organic real experiences. But it’s also very expensive.

Whether it’s the magic of Instax or POloroids or whether it’s the subtle shadow and color theories you understand better using film. It does pay off. I just don’t think it’s the secret sauce for newer photography for the reasons I mention in the video.

Someone recently told me they liked my LIghtroom presets because they were not gaudy and pointless. A lot of that is that I’ve been making pro-grade presets longer than anyone on the market. But what I immediately thought of is film.

My film and shadow hacking studies have shaped the way I create tools and it’s a big reason why they are different from the others on the market. The way film helps you understand subtlety and tone and color versus just pushing a slider increases the more you use it. If you spend any time on analog I think you’ll understand what I mean.

If I plied film is not worth it that’s not what I mean. What I mean is that film is a tough tool to start on. It’s more something to work with once you are at that intermediate or advanced level where it’s nuance will mean more to you.

So yes, everyone. Get some vintage lenses. Shoot some film on the cameras that often come with them. But don’t think you need film to improve your photography. Slow down and let the shadow lead you.

Gavin Seim

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November 15, 2024

Monochrome cameras let you shoot in ONLY black and white. But they are not what makes your photos jaw-dropping. I dug into this as I worked on the new Silver 5.5 preset update and the new L Monochrome preset I crafted for it.

If you own Silver 5 login here and get the free 5.5 update. If not get Silver or the FREE mini Silver Pack here and try some of these monochrome methods.

Last night I was shooting a roll of Delta 3200 and thinking about what makes a black-and-white photo work and why many color photos converted to black-and-white fail. The problem is not the camera. It’s the tone. Like we talk about in Shadow Hackers.

Customers using a Mohchrome camera often ask me if my black and white tools like Silver and BlackRoom will work on these files. The answer of course is yes, it still lets you edit tone you just don’t get the color channel info. The process is still the same.

If you take a color Leica VS a Moncrhome for example and simply switch the color to BW mode there is very little difference. Monochrome does not make you better just because you paid more.

Just don’t think a cool camera will make you a great photographer.

In today’s video, I’ll show you the best secrets to amazing black-and-white images and it’s not the monochrome camera. But if that’s what makes you shoot and lobe your work, use that.

If you love this camera use them by all means.s Monochrome camera due to being made only for black and white has a unique feel and is also amazing at high ISO being less vulnerable to noise. Here’s a good video on that.

While the low grain of a monochrome camera is great it does not mean “better” photos or more authentic. True black and white film has grain and it’s one of its artistic characteristics. Neither choice is wrong.

The gear is not what matters the tone is. Stay to the end of the video because I will close with some valuable tips to test and see if your tone is special or boring.

In studying how monochrome cameras render and making the new L Monochrome and S monochrome presets for Lightroom and Capture One I was struck by how flat and even monochrome fields were. They rely on you finding that contrast in the camera and challenge you.

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October 28, 2024

I wish someone had taught me this in my first few years of photography because it would have saved me a lot of time.

You can go further with these concepts by coming to one of my next Shadow Hackers live workshop and you can also learn everything about Zones and exposure in my Exposed workshop.

If you watch e my video on why Expose to the right is WRONG, this probably makes even more sense. It does the opposite. It lets you focus on the shadow where you should be and in doing so you’ll get more drama and stop over-exposing.

It’s tempting to think this is not that important. Heck with packs like my natural HDR presets it’s honestly astounding how much exposure is in today’s RAW files.

But I promise. Doing exposure right changes your whole process. You will see more shadow and by extension light. You will learn to create drama and be the director of your photos and your in-camera and post-production work will improve really fast.

Is it wrong? Not exactly. l go into this more in my Shadow Hackers classes. But in short, a meter is just trying to give you a moderate exposure that is not clipped It works usually. But it’s not creating drama or nuance. It’s metering for a general-purpose photo and until you start overriding that with manual or just exposure compensation your photo will often be boring.

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October 17, 2024

There are a lot of influencers talking about DXO PhotoLab 8. But most of those are sponsored videos or affiliates. This is 100% not. and today we do a no-nonsense review for pros.

You can download a trial of Photo Lab Here. I’m also testing creating PowerFlow 8 for DXO. Good presets will help here. You can also use LUTS from packs like Filmist 2 in DXO.

There’s no doubt that at $10 USD per month, LR+PS which also includes cloud and a great mobile app is the most bang for the buck. But it also comes with being stuck in the Adobe ecosystem.

Capture One is another option that’s at this point pretty much subscription only. But it’s is good. While it lacks the advanced noise reduction of DXO Photo lab, Capture One is more like Lightroom in terms of overall developed features. But Lightroom is still ahead in terms of extra modules, export tools, and AI-powered selections.

But at $229 as of this writing, you could get Adobes PS and LR combo for nearly two years!

Paying more is not always bad. But we need to be given something special in return. The presets and actions I make here and not cheap. But they are true master-grade tools supported by my own time and energy and always listening to customers’ need.

Sadly this is not usually the case in larger software combines like DXO, Phase One, Adobe etc. They do what they think will make them more money and often they are out of touch.

Users keep telling DXO the basic features they need to improve like I did in my DXO Photo Lab 7 review, but the focus of development gets put on features that advertise better on new releases.

To be honest, Photo Lab 8 is much different than Photo Lab 7 and most of the complaints I had that are holding it back are still not fixed.

Adobe is ahead in so many areas. Most RAW apps like DXO and Neo are behind in image processing features and then new features that will soon be requirements for pros like Content Credentials now integrated into the 1015 version of LR.

DXO, C1, and others don’t have to match Adobe features for the feature to be good. But they need to listen a lot closer to what the photographers using their product are saying and stop living in the echo chamber of what affiliates and fans are saying.

I rejected DXO sponsorship at this point not because I am against them. I am rooting for them. But I want to be able to say everything without bias

What’s next? You decide after watching my video above and tell me what you think.

Gavin Seim

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September 6, 2024

Today’s video is another keystone in my Master Tips Series. I’ve shown in Shadow Hackers that contrast is not what we were taught and while shadow photography and pools should be first-year photography, it’s rarely taught anymore.

In the video, I mentioned the free Portra 160 preset from Filmist, Silver 5 and Pictorialist. Also, make sure you join me for the next Shadow Hackers LIVE class.

Taking advanced concepts and making simple methods out of them has been my mission lately because, in this AI world, practical photography technology is rarely taught anymore.

When I saw shadow block and contrast pools I also saw I was racking my brain to explain what I was seeing and how this worked. I realized that contrast is just pools of dark and light. But knowing the way those pools shape your photo changes everything.

We focus on shadow because if you start there great photos will naturally emerge. But as we see in the high key black and white you can not only use lighter pools but adjust them to make even windows disappear.

We’re using no cloning to Ai here. Just a practical use of tone value and zones. See the zone primer video here and we also look at them as we study shadow photography in Shadow Hackers.

Once you start using shadow and contrast pools, they instantly give you building blocks to see any scene shadow first and build a strong image by moving, placing, and exposing elements to surround them in pools that lead the eyes.

You can have dark and light pools anywhere. But if you have none as we show in the “bad light” situation you will usually have a bland photo.

Contrast pools give you better photos and let you hack shadow hacking by simply framing your subjects with pools of feather-blended light and dark. shadow photography hacking completes the circle. Use pools from the camera to edit and you will be surprised.

Gavin Seim

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