January 11, 2011

This has been a long time in coming. With Apple’s Aperture finally getting presets in v3, Aperture users can now use develop presets and harness that power in their workflow. LightFlow has been in the works for awhile, but it’s nearly ready to release.

I’ve been making Lightroom presets for years and that knowledge crosses over. But it’s still different software and all new presets have to be designed. While I’m eager to release a defining collection of Aperture presets, I did not want to rush. I started by making a freebie pack called Light Study, to test the waters and see what Aperture users like. The feedback was positive and I went to work developing a complete set.

LightFlow is a collection of Aperture presets for every photographic situation. Essentially this set is to Aperture what Power Workflow has been to Lightroom.

It will feature more than 40 presets for batch corrections, subtle tweaks, silver conversions and color tones. It’s going to start as a simple well organized set that gives Aperture users quick control over a broad variety of refinements and processes that they can use as applied, or tweak for any specific need.

LightFlow is scheduled for release in Feb-Mar 2011. You can subscribe to the SE newsletter on the right to be updated when it launches, or watch the FB page.

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December 9, 2010

Wow another year has gone by. Crazy stuff.  It’s been a busy year here and I’m thankful. Seim Effects keeps growing by leaps and the new products have done great thanks to all of you. There’s more good stuff in the works. In the growth of Seim Effects I hope that the focus of what I do here has stayed strong. Good products and the great service to along with them.

Anyways on to the goodies. Merry Christmas to all of you. This years freebie pack has something for just about everyone and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Lets take a peek.

Lightroom Presets:

  • Color Years: I made this to look back on the refinements and experiments I did with color this year. It’s a subtle but delicious color twist that will work on a variety of images.
  • Silver Grains: 2010 Was a big year for editing. LR3 and Aperture, CS5, better RAW processing. For me a growing passion for black and white. I have lots of new Silver tones in the pipes, but here’s a rich silver effect with smooth blacks and bold tones.

Aperture Presets:

  • Color Years: 2010 was the year presets finally came to aperture. I’m working with it and have a full collection in the works, but I made the Color Years effect for you today. It works very similar to the LR version.
  • Silver Grains: I decided to keep it simple, so this is also similar to the LR version. Of course the programs process a little different, but the concept was the same.

Adobe In Design Album Template: You’ll need Adobe InDesign for this. But it’s a big one, so even if you have to download a demo from Adobe, give it a shot. InDesign is how I make albums and it’s blazing fast. Makes Photoshop for album design look like a slug on the Interstate. UPDATE: The main album file is CS5 only. I updated the download to 1.1 and included a .idml file for CS4 users. More info in the download.

More details on all this stuff in the What’s Inside” document included in the download, which I’ll give you right now. Enjoy… Gav

Download Christmas Pack v1.1 – Zip

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November 14, 2010

by Gavin Seim: Pricing is an interesting thing. Those of you that listen to me on the Pro Photo Show podcast know that I don’t try to be the cheapest in my photography.  Not by a long shot. Truth is I don’t try to be cheapest with Seim Effects either, though I often am for what I offer. I just try to make the best tools and charge what I think is sensible. Through that process I often come out less expensive than other editing products available in the industry.

Now it’s true that often you get what you pay for. It’s also true that sometimes people buy something just because it’s more expensive. That’s perceived value. How much you can charge because of your brand. Experience and service are worth something too, but sometimes paying more does not mean you get that.

Most effects out there are different and have something unique to offer, so I’m not saying mine are the only ones worth buying. I’ve not used all the editing products available, but I’ve used a lot of them. Some are really good, some less so. In the end I just want to sure my product is something special. I’ve had people essentially call to ask…

“Are Seim Effects any good. Their so much cheaper than brand K or Z”.

The answer of course is yes. In fact many users tell me their a lot better. Truth is I put my heart and soul into this stuff. I’m fanatical about making it as flawless and effective as I can. Their not $5 because their good and their worth a lot more. Their not $200 either. Not because I hate money, but because I think that would be overkill and the overall benefit would go down.

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October 28, 2010

by Gavin Seim: my Hollywood 2 Photoshop actions were featured in the October issue of Shutterbug Magazine, in the Digital Innovations column by Joe Farace. Back in September, Joe took a look at my Naked Elements Textures and Creative Essentials actions and gave them a great review. This month Joe came back for more, taking a peek at HE2, a collection of effects dedicated to adjustable finishing touches and giving any type of photo a little something more.

Joe gave a glowing review, Calling HE2 “Outstanding” and stating “If you photograph people, you need this inexpensive set of actions”. A shout out to him and the folks at Shutterbug for taking the time to notice my work. Here’s a copy of the review (click for larger version). You can also pick up the Oct 2010 issue of shutterbug and see it on pages 37-38.

You can learn more about Hollywood Effects 2 here as well as download some free samples… Gav

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August 20, 2010

by Gavin Seim:

Power Worklfow v3 has finally arrived, representing three total years of LR study and experimentation since this all started. I’m really excited. I feel they set a standard for workflow presets that fit just about any situation you could possibly need. You can see the details, video, samples etc, on the PW3 info page.

As always, I wanted to post up a freebie sample pack so readers can get some goodies and a small taste of what in store inside my latest collection. Below you’ll find a download with 8 presets from Power Worklfow3, including Super Hero2 and my new LOTR effect. The full collection has more than 75 presets, so if like them there’s lots more where these came from. Download and enjoy… Gav

Download FREE PW3 LR Presets Sampler (ZIP)

Check Out My Video & The Complete Set

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