I‘ve been writing Photoshop actions for the up coming release of the Photographer Essentials collection (title subject to change)
I‘m pretty stoked about the progress. While the Hollywood effects action have a wide range of killer effects, I felt Seim Effects needed a collection that offered clean everyday effects and production tools. This set will not be replacing Hollywood Effects at all, but rather adding to the possibilities.
One example is the new Simple Soft. I wanted a softening effects that was not over the top. Just straightforward and cool looking. Simply soft is smooth and effective, without being complex. Heres a sample of Simply Soft II. It a subtle look that makes images amazing!
I‘ve also been working with a method to make Burn and Dodging easy and non destructive, yet have it apply to all layers. I’m really happy with the effects that are going to be in this set. It’;s not a repeat of our Hollywood Effects, but a whole new addition to the Seim workflow. There’s not an official release date yet, but these actions should be out in the next couple months. Stay tunes for news, or drop me an email to be notified… Gavin