November 15, 2007

~ Check out Gavin’s 3 day HDR workshop coming Fall 2009. More details here.

So you’ve probably heard about HDR photography, and you may be wondering what you can do with it and why it’s so cool.
By Gavin Seim
: This is not a short article but it will explain a lot about HDR photography and why its so amazing. Today we’re going to talk about the editing techniques I used to create “Look To The Wind” the bride on the beach image that you probably have heard mentioned on Pro Photo Show, and maybe seen on the net. Also below are some additional links for things relevant to HDR.

Link Resources>>

HDR is a method of taking multiple images and combining them in a high dynamic range file. Lets say you take three images of the exact same scene, at various exposure levels. Standard images are only around 8 bits each, basically meaning that their ability to correctly expose dark scenes while keeping bright scenes from getting overexposed is limited.

So to make an HDR you might take one image that’s underexposed, one image over, and one with correct exposure. Then using software you can combine the shadow and highlight details from all the images into a single image is called an HDR, It’s the combined bits of these images, and is usually a 32 bit image when converted. What does 32bit mean to you? It means it can contain far more light. Even though the actual resolution of the image is not increased the details inside it are much higher. The HDR Photography technique is most often done with nature or still life images, but I have been doing extensive experimenting with this technique in portraits as well with good results, as we’ll see today.

hdr example

So lets look at an example. In this image I took three shots of the bride on the beach using continuous shooting mode with auto exposure bracketing. This along with a model holding as still as possible, and a fairly wide angle scene made “Look To The Wind” Possible possible (click for a larger version) You can read more about HDR portrait techniques in my HDR portrait article.

There a a few ways to take the three images and make an HDR from them. First take your images in unedited raw form. You could do it with jpegs, but raw will give you the best results. Don’t correct the raw files before converting to HDR. There is a very basic tool in Photoshop for converting the images called Merge To HDR (File/Automate/Merge To HDR) This allows you to select you images, and it will combine them into and 32 bit image. You then can use tools to adjust the levels, and curves of the image mix to try and get a good result.

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November 3, 2007

logojpeg.jpgWell the original Jpeg is getting a bit long in the tooth and by the looks of things an adoption of a new improved format may be taking it’s place over the next few years.

Among other things, the Microsoft HD Photo format is capable of higher dynamic ranges, & better compression, and has been opened up for royalty free use by Microsoft. The JPEG Committee has decided it’s a go, and to move ahead with HD Photo as a new standard under the name Jpeg XR.

Now you may be asking yourself why on earth didn’t this JPEG Committee give it a fresh name instead of taking jpeg and adding some letters. Well we’d guess it’s cuz their the “JPEG Committee” Ya a new fresh name for a new flashy format would have been better marketing, but thats what happens when you name your group after a file format before considering the ramifications of the fact that it will eventually go out of style. At this rate we figure 100 years from now we’ll

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October 14, 2007

There’s a feature on Canon’s latest high end linup, even including the new 40D called highlight tome priority.

This is not yet the in camera HDR that we’ve supposed would come in the future, but it is a step in the right direction and shows that Canon is on top of up an coming technologies. It seems that Highlight Tone Priority uses 14bit technology to help preserve highlights from being blown out.

Here’s an article over at where he gives an example and talks about how useful it is, and another article over at digital pro talk gives us more samples of what it can do. We’ve also checked out various comments from camera owners, and it seems like this actually does a good job to help keep those highlights from blowing out of the scene. Looks like yet another Kudos fro Canon, and that maybe in camera HDR could be in the pipes sooner than we thought.

Gavin Seim

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July 21, 2007

See The Updated Version June 08 – Read HDR portrait techniques version 2

Don’t start using HDR. I want to be the only one… This phrase is often pretty close to what goes thru my mind when I think about the potential of properly implemented HDR photography in today’s market. So much so that I have thought of refraining from the subject and keeping the ideas to myself. My thought is this… “If nobody else is using HDR, that will make my work that much more unique” But alas that’s not what PPS is all about, and we’re here both to learn, and to help others learn, so here I go again.

In recent months I have been working to become a sort of guru of HDR. Whether I have succeeded or not will be left up to you, however I do feel that I have a strong enough knowledge of HDR techniques, and its possibilities in the portrait & wedding world to ask other photographers, and organizations What are you waiting for?

Now don’t get me wrong! HDR will boom before long, and when it does you can bet that organizations that are supposed to be leading the industry like WPPI, and PPA will be all over it. Since it’s my job to talk about the latest ideas in the photo world however I will speak on about this topic right here and now. In fact you’ll see that PPS has a special link in the nav bar just for special HDR posts, articles, and news.

What is HDR all about anyways!

You mean you don’t know yet? Well at least after today you’ll have no excuse to avoid trying it out. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. It’s better seen that talked about, so other than the images I’ve included in this article you can see some of my latest HDR portrait implementation in my HDR portraits set on Flickr, as well as on my website of course . Essentially however it’s the combining of multiple images taken at varied exposure levels, and then blended using…

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May 13, 2007

Listen, PPS Episode #30 HDR Part2

Listen, PPS Episode #29 HDR Part1

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Show Notes…
Click Here for HDR PART 1 show notes

Part two talks in more detail about using Photomatix Pro, and how to use it to get a great looking HDR image. You can use our promo code PPS15 to save 15%. There’s also an HDR Flickr group you should check out, and you can see some of my HDR work on my own Flickr page, also here is the HDR panoramic photo that I made.

People in HDR, and here is a few that I shot to give you some ideas…
This was taken at sunset. The light was very low, and I had to use a high iso. The resulting image came out a bit grainy, but the effect was very dramatic. It gives us some food for thought! Even though this is not what you would think when you thought about HDR, it gives a different aspect and has a lot of mood.


This shot was taken at the beach around sunset. Again a three shot HDR using auto bracketing, it gives off plenty of drama and though the subject has to stand very still the resulting image is just what the doctor ordered.

This is another Senior shot. Doing this is HDR gave it lots of dynamic detail that would not otherwise be possible.

Pick of the week this time was submitted by listener Greg. It a nice (and simple) javs script you can use on your website to make a sideshow. It’s free so just read the direction and your off.

That about does it for this week. You can send questions or comments to Have a great week… Gavin
Gavin Seim Photography 2007

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