September 1, 2007

Many of us know what the histogram is, and many of us simply know what it looks like but have no idea how to use it, or what it can do for us. We won’t delve into the deep dark depths of the histogram today, but rather talk about it’s basics and how you can use a cool feature in Lightroom to make quick corrections to images. You can also watch the video for an actual walkthrough.

One guy lost 27 pounds by using the histogram…


Above we see the Lightroom RGB histogram, and as you see in the bright red letter left is darker, and right is lighter. Starting with that basic idea you can learn a lot about an image. Using LR however you can go a step further.



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August 31, 2007

Popular Photography has named Lightroom as SOFTWARE OF THE YEAR!

From Popular Photography:

If you’ve ever wondered why so much in Photoshop has so little to do with actual photography, it may all have been in anticipation of Adobe’s powerful new workflow program. Like Apple’s Aperture, last year’s most impressive software, Lightroom organizes, processes, fixes, prints, and shares your images — handling RAW-format shots just like any other kind of file. It does all its fixing non-destructively, allowing you to go back and rework your pictures again and again. Its refinement and smooth operation clearly reflect the wisdom gained from Lightroom’s year of free public beta testing. So will it make you hang up your Photoshop for good? If you rarely dodge, burn in, or make composites — in other words, if you don’t work locally on different areas of your image — you may never need Photoshop again. On the other hand, serious retouchers should consider Lightroom for its organizational, printing, and Web prowess alone.

Read the entire story here

Lightroom retails for $300

More information on Adobe Lightroom and a free 30-day trial here.

Until next time,

Jarrod Michael

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August 29, 2007

DPReview has a nice gallery of beta shots from the 40D taken with a pre production camera. From what can be seen here it looks like the 40D has a lot of potential, especially in the noise department.

The sample below was taken at iso3200, and sure we can see noise, but that much noise when cranked all the way up to 3200 is our kind of animal. Heres the full DP review gallery.


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August 25, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS #36, Pro Photography Roundtable #3 Audiocast
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Pro Photo Roundtable #2 Panel Members
Gavin Seim ~ Seim Photography, Washington
Dennis Zerwas JR ~ DZ Photography, Minnesota

Show Notes…

We talked about the Microsoft HD Photo format, and the Jpeg committee.
Pixelmator could compete with Photoshop in the future.
Gavin uses to put his work online for clients.
I’ll be reviewing a together book soon.
Visit the PPS forums and get all your questions answered.



DZ. Armed America, a cool book with guns and families.
Gavin. Small Image2, a great resizing program for the mac.


[tags]photography, professional, roundtable, news, adobe, canon, mac, pc, photoshop[/tags]

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August 25, 2007

Nikon just recently launched a new project with Flickr.  It’s a site that allows users to get free advice.  Yes, that’s what they claim.

It’s touted as the Nikon Digital Learning Center on Flickr.

More from the release: 

“Complementing an interactive educational site on Nikon’s USA Web site, the launch of this new program on Flickr is revolutionary for a camera manufacturer. As an extension of Nikon School, this online resource provides Flickr members with tutorials, practical photography tips and advice from Nikon photo professionals to assist them in taking the photos they’ve always dreamed of capturing.”

Check it out and let us know how extensive it is OR if it’s a waste of time!

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