July 21, 2007

See The Updated Version June 08 – Read HDR portrait techniques version 2

Don’t start using HDR. I want to be the only one… This phrase is often pretty close to what goes thru my mind when I think about the potential of properly implemented HDR photography in today’s market. So much so that I have thought of refraining from the subject and keeping the ideas to myself. My thought is this… “If nobody else is using HDR, that will make my work that much more unique” But alas that’s not what PPS is all about, and we’re here both to learn, and to help others learn, so here I go again.

In recent months I have been working to become a sort of guru of HDR. Whether I have succeeded or not will be left up to you, however I do feel that I have a strong enough knowledge of HDR techniques, and its possibilities in the portrait & wedding world to ask other photographers, and organizations What are you waiting for?

Now don’t get me wrong! HDR will boom before long, and when it does you can bet that organizations that are supposed to be leading the industry like WPPI, and PPA will be all over it. Since it’s my job to talk about the latest ideas in the photo world however I will speak on about this topic right here and now. In fact you’ll see that PPS has a special link in the nav bar just for special HDR posts, articles, and news.

What is HDR all about anyways!

You mean you don’t know yet? Well at least after today you’ll have no excuse to avoid trying it out. HDR stands for High Dynamic Range. It’s better seen that talked about, so other than the images I’ve included in this article you can see some of my latest HDR portrait implementation in my HDR portraits set on Flickr, as well as on my website of course . Essentially however it’s the combining of multiple images taken at varied exposure levels, and then blended using…

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July 20, 2007

So we know that PPS is a great place to learn new things, hear the latest news, and more. But wait there’s more! More good websites and podcasts that is. And today I just wanted to share a couple that you may want to take a look/listen to. These shows will give you some different type of content, as well as some different perspectives on the photography world.


The Digital Story
Derek Story runs this podcast, and blog and on it you’ll find lots of good tips, reviews, and perspectives. And of course The Digital Story podcast which you can also find on itunes.


Digital Photography Tips From The Top Floor.
I mean to ask Christoph Marquardt where his title comes from when he joins us on PPS in the future, but in any case you’ll find some good content over on his website, and of course from there you can check out audio and video casts, as well as find them on itunes.


The Lightrsource Photography Podcast over at studiolighting.net is aimed pretty closely at the studio lighting side of things. Now that they don’t cover any other topics, but you’ll find lots of interviews with photographers about their techniques, as well as tips, reviews, and videos on lighting related topics.

Of course there’s more than this, and feel free to mention your favs in the comments are. This should keep you busy for awhile anyways… So what are you waiting for? Start absorbing content!

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July 19, 2007

PS3 Logo

Our friends over at Macworld have posted a cool article on saving large photoshop files faster.

By Rob Griffiths

If you work with large Photoshop files, you’re probably well aware of how slowly they save. Much of that time is spent flattening your image in order to create the preview icon you see in the Finder. While useful to have, you probably don’t need to see a preview icon for every interim version of your image.

Read more here

Until Next Time… Jarrod Michael

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July 18, 2007

Canon fans may soon rejoice. It looks like the upgrade of the very popular Canon 30D, the Canon 40D that we’ve been waiting for is near at hand. According to a post on PhotographyBlog.com, The Camera & Imaging Products Association (CIPA) has listed the the Canon 40D on it’s PictBridge-certified product list page. Now bear in mind that this is a rumor, but it stands to reason that the 40D will grace our camera bags eventually, and why not sooner rather than later.

So what are you waiting for? Start spreading the rumor, and share the joy. Just remember that there has been no official announcement yet. If your a Nikon fan you may weep now, but stay tune and we’ll keep you up to date on the latest happenings.


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July 15, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS #34, Pro Photography Roundtable #2 Audiocast
To download mp3 podcast, right click above link, and “Save As”
Podcast subscription feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/prophotoshow

Subscribe in itunes

Pro Photo Roundtable #2 Panel Members
Gavin Seim ~ Seim Photography, Washington
Dennis Zerwas JR ~ DZ Photography, Minnesota
Jarrod Michael ~ Michael Photography, New York
Brady Dillsworth ~ Dillsworth Photography, New York


Show Notes… (the good stuff)

Corel 10.1 is a free update to Painter X (10) users, is now available.
Brady mentioned the 16 gig Sandisk extreme III compact flash card.
Jarrod likes Wolverine portable hard disk with memory card reader.
DZ like Rep Cards from Whitehouse Custom Color.
Gavin mentioned the Zprinter 3D printer.
Brady uses Constant Contact for his newsletter.


Gavin ~ Lumapix photofusion for making albums and collages.
Brady ~ PowerEx 2700 AA batteries, and heres a kit that comes with a charger as well.
DZ ~ Lexar Firewire 800 stackable compact flash reader.
Jarrod ~ Tamrack 5749 velocity 9 series sling pack.

[tags]photography, professional, roundtable, news, adobe, canon, mac, pc, photoshop[/tags]

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