I’m still out here recording footage for the new EXposed video series. I plan to keep on teasing until the series releases this summer, because it’s going to be that good. But I won’t waste time. Check out, “New Mexico Camp” below and then head over and save 50% on your pre-order of EXposed.
Presentation is as much part of a photo as the image itself. An image on a disk means little to the world. A well presented wall piece does. It’s part of the process that doesn’t get the attention it deserves…
By Gavin Seim: So how are you mounting and presenting your images? It’s something worth thinking about, just like How You Sign and Brand Your Images. While digital files certainly have their place, most won’t fully appreciate a work until it’s hanging in front of them. Which in my mind makes presentation a critical part of the whole editing and production process. I’ve learned it’s often a missing link in the art process in this digital soaked era.
Personally it took me years to get past the clutter and get really focused. It’s not just making a print. It’s a whole process. And lets be honest. It can tough to present on a wall. It forces you to make decisions, spend money and commit to a given edit. But when you do, there’s nothing quite so gratifying as seeing an appropriately sizes piece hanging on a wall. It makes you see your work an entirely different light.
The Chamberlains. 30x70 print on canvas. See below.
These days I try to present without glass as much as possible (a personal preference). I often use traditional (not inkjet) canvas prints mounted by Whitmire & Associates They’re like nothing else. I enjoy metal and sometimes classic mounted prints as well and I’m also doing some experiments with hand coated and polished fiber inkjet prints. I nearly always avoid making a loose wall print and sticking in in a frame. I find it just lacks the polish of a quality mounted print.
The image above is one of my 70in Heirloom Canvas prints. More about my canvas and mediums I use right here. It’s been framed and presented by itself on this large wall, keeping it as the main item on the focal plane. For some detailed thoughts about appropriate print sizes through history and my process for wall prints see this article.
Of course everyone does not need to see the same way I do. But part of our editing process is reducing images to that final finished piece and deciding how that piece can best be presented as art. For most works, the process has not been completed until an image is hanging on the wall. It’s often the true test of how good a photograph really is.
Gavin standing with a 30x46 print on canvas of his limited edition, Doorway to Winter.
So challenge yourself. No matter where you are with your presentation, start looking around. Find what’s being done and what has been done. Find a nych that fits YOU and make those prints sing. Photos on social networks are fun and good for promotion, but images on walls are like fine furniture. Done perfectly they never go out of style (ever been to an art museum). Aside from how good you’ll feel about a great print. They also sell for quite a bit more than a 5×7. Yet another perk 😉
Of course this all goes deeper. There’s printing mediums, how you light your images (critical to presentation) and more. But that’s for another day.
Do share your favorite presentation methods in the comments. And stay tuned, I plan to make a post soon detailing some of the best printing and presentation methods I’ve come across. There’s some really good ones… Gav
Countdown To 60: After you choose that subject but before before you release the shutter, try taking a full minute to think about your scene and how you’re about to capture it. Really. Don’t just look at it. SEE IT. Sometimes we feel pressured to click. But even with a portrait, learn to take a little time and you’re images WILL improve. With some scenes you can even spend longer. Check out the 111 Project.
Sparks: I stood outside well before the exit. Experimenting, considering the scene, trying to predict the light. The effort paid off with a great candid from a challenging scene.
Cut The Trash: I know, you’ve already taken 60 seconds, you have a plan. But look again. Maybe even take a test frame. Controlling tone, removing clutter and distracting elements is one of the most neglected elements in art making. If something is not adding to the image, it should not be in the frame. Either you move, move it, or it will move the quality of your final image down to LOW.
Get Gavin Seim's complete LR Essentials video workshop for just $10.
Updated 01/30/12. The free promo ended Jan 29, 2012. But you can still get the workshop at a special discount.
With the introduction of my new LR Ninja video training workshops comes LR training for all levels, Ninja training, if you will. One of the best parts is that you can get LR Essentials, the entire first workshop for just $10. Even if you already use LR, you’ll want this first workshop because there’s something for everyone. Here’s how it works….
How it to get a LR Ninja video workshop for ONLY $10…
The best thing for Seim Effects users can do to help out is to spread the word. That’s why we’re rewarding you for it. All you have to do to get the workshop for only $10.00 is share the Seim Effects Facebook or G+ page on your profile, spreading the word so other people can check out Seim Effects for themselves.
Facebook: Just visit the Seim Effects page. On the bottom left, look for the share text. Click it and share the SE page on your personal profile, an active photo related group, or page. If you like, you to can add a few comments to the share, or just post it. As long as it’s on your wall, you’re golden.
Google+: If you prefer to hang on G+, that’s cool too. Just visit the SE page on G+ and click the “Share This Page” button on the upper left. Share the page with your friends on your personal profile, just like you would on FB.
Getting your discount download: You must share one or both of the pages listed above on your wall. Once you’ve shared, just send Gavin an email, effects@seimstudios.com. A screenshot of the share is nice, but we’re pretty easy going, so if you say you shared it and where, we’ll take your word for it. Just let Gavin know which page you shared, and he will follow up personally by sending you a coupon to get the first LR Ninja WORKSHOP. That generally happens within 24hours (usually much faster).
A couple guidelines:
You must share the corresponding Seim Effects page on your Facebook or Google+ personal profile, active photo related group, or page. You do not have to share on all, but if you want to say thanks by sharing in more than one place, we appreciate it. Also, while we appreciate you posting links directly to the website, this is to help spread the word on the social networks. You must share either the SE Facebook page or the SE Goggle+ page.
You cannot post the share and then delete it. This promotion is for the first workshop in the series and is not transferable. Even if you’re already using LR, there’s something in there for you. You cannot exchange the first workshop for one of the others. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch.
“What happened to the free download?”
If you’re looking for the freebie download, that was a temporary promotion. You can follow the above instruction and get the workshop for only $10… Gav
A fresh new Lightroom® workshop series from workflow expert Gavin Seim. Lightroom® training where you pick your workshop, pick your topics, and pick your time.
Soap Lake, WA, (December 17, 2011) – Seim Effects Photo Tools announces the availability of the new Lightroom Ninja downloadable video workshops for Adobe® Photoshop® Lightroom® at an introductory discounted price.
Lightroom is a system for creativity, quality, and efficiency. Each Lightroom Ninja video workshop takes users step-by-step through live screen recorded chapters, looking at each level of using Lightroom’s features with Gavin Seim, award winning photographer, writer, and designer of Seim Effects photo tools. Learn Lightroom step-by-step when and where you want.
Each workshop is fully downloadable in 720HD, making review and learning easy for all levels of Lightroom users. Three workshops are currently available: “LR Essentials,” “Everyday LR,” and “The LR Pro.” Three more workshops on advanced topics are planned for release in 2012. Each workshop is divided into topic chapters for a total of approximately 90 minutes. Workshops are being released at an introductory price of just $25.00 each. The first workshop in the series is also available for no cost to users that share about Seim Effects on their Facebook or Google+ pages. Details here.