November 20, 2008

I was a guest on this weeks Camera Dojo podcast with Kerry Garrison talking about all things HDR.

We chatted about the various techniques and tools, and I shared my techniques for HDR portraits. I just listened to myself this afternoon. It felt different being on the guest end, but it was relaxing. This won’t be in the PPS podcast feed, but If you’re interested head over the Camera Dojo and give a listen. While your at it you can drop by iTunes and subscribe to their showGavin

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November 19, 2008

Adobe what? Adobe Configurator. It’s a brand new program Adobe just released that’s going to change the way we interact with Photoshop. You can download it here on Adobe Labs, and learn more about it (including a video) on John Knacks blog.

There’s a lot under the hood, but in basic terms it allows you to make your own palette windows in Photoshop CS4, that can contain pretty much whatever you want. Tools, menu items, actions, even training videos embedded right in to your own little (or big) panel. They look exactly like the built in pallets. They even dock with them.

The best part is you don’t have to be a programmer to make custom panels. You open the Configurator, then drag, drop and export. I really think this is a breakthrough. This level of customization is going to change the way we work.

Our official Photshop CS4 review is coming soon, but Configurator looks so cool that I felt you should know now.

Gavin Seim

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November 18, 2008

I was just chatting with a supervisor from B&H Photo and he was telling me about their video reviews and tutorials.

I didn’t know about these till today, but they have some well produced videos by people who know their stuff. Lots to browse thru

Click the image to go the their site and watch the videos. You can also subscibe on iTunes. Defiantly worth a look. B&H is also having a ton of sales for the Christmas season, so now’s a good time to shop.


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November 18, 2008

Transcend 8GB 133x Compact Flash Card for 23 bucks (at publish time)

This weeks Cool Photo Product Of The Week is a sweet deal. Most of us use compact flash card’s in our cameras and with my new 5D MK II on order, I know I’ll be needing more of them. The price of memory just keeps coming down which is really cool.

I just picked up This Transcend 8gb card for less than 23 bucks. I’ll list it below so you can see the current price on Amazon, but these are a bargain. It’s possible to get cards slightly cheaper still, but these ones have great ratings, and you don’t have to hassle with any rebates.

If you use 4GB cards they make those too. Right now their under 15 bucks. Transcend 4GB Compact Flash
Have a great day… Gav

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November 16, 2008

Updated 10.10.09 to version 2.5 sampler (download below).

My free sampler of Power Workflow2 Lightroom Presets is  here. This has a small assortment of what comes with the complete set, but there’s some great presets here.

A key with presets is to build a good workflow. I spend a lot of time with that, and you’ll see some of it here. Start with a good auto preset for batches. This free set includes a preset from my new “Super” series auto settings. Apply it to a whole batch to get rockin, then move on and try some other effects.

There’s also a coupon inside that will save you a few bucks if you decide to get the whole set. If you already have PW2 you already have these, but stay tune because Christmas is near and I have some goodies in store 🙂

Download FREE PW2.5 Lightroom Presets Sampler:

Check Out My Video & The Complete Set:

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